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Book Description
Written for people from every walk of life, the Believer's Bible Commentary is clear and understandable enough for everyday use--turning complicated theology into practical understanding. Yet it also provides plenty of resource material for more advanced students, as well as for preachers, teachers, and writers. Keyed to the New King James Version, but usefulwith any translation, the Believer's Bible Commentary will enrich your understanding of Scripture. It is a friendly guide to exploring the deeper meanings of every book, with numerous photographs, maps and charts interspersed throughout. MacDonald tackles the controversial issues head-on, taking a theologically conservative stand, yet presenting alternate views with fairness. Make a personal, systematic study of the Bible a part of your daily life with the thorough yet easy-to-use Believer's Bible Commentary.
Item Specifications...
Pages 2462
Dimensions: Length: 9.38" Width: 6.66" Height: 2.56" Weight: 4.5 lbs.
Binding Cloth Text
Release Date Mar 15, 2024
ISBN 0785212167 EAN 9780785212164 UPC 020049012161
Availability 271 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 06:21.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | single volume commentary Mar 17, 2007 |
I have owned Believer's Bible Commentary for about 12 years. Before that, I had the N.T. Beleiver's Bible Commentary. For a single volume commentary it is probably the best I have used. I am not a fan of devotional type commentaries. I prefer ones that deal with what the text is actually stating. While this commentary is somewhat devotional it is not overly so (especially in the N.T.). Due to its limited size there is a sacrifice in how much depth the commentary can go into. While I appreciate how the N.T. is handled, it is not the commentary I would normally first reach for when studying an O.T. passage. When doing any in depth Bible study it is best to not limit your resources to just one commentary. It is better to consult several works to see if there is a consensus and to be exposed to alternate views. This is a good commentary to have in your religious library. This commentary would be especially good for a new believer or for a first commentary. Another good starter commentary set is the Bible Knowledge Commentary. Since this is a 2 volume set it is able to go into more depth. For the person interested in more in depth Bible study I would recommend the Expositor's Bible Commentary (12 vols) to use along with the previously mentioned commentaries. If you wish for more involvement with the Greek I recommend Wuest's Word Studies in the Greek New Testament or Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament. I have also found The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key To The New Testament by Rogers and Rogers to be helpful. | |  | A must have Mar 11, 2007 |
If you are a bible reader this book is a great companion. | |  | My First Bible Commentary Book! Feb 5, 2007 |
This was my choice, after comparing to other options available. I wanted a book that included both old and new testament material in one volume. It breaks down each book of the bible, and further explains various verses. I liked that this was very readable and easy to understand. The font size was perfect, with bold-faced type where appropriate. It's concise, and very well done. Other commentaries I looked at were either too large(heavy) or the print was microscopic. I'm very satisfied with my purchase and it was very reasonably priced for a wealth of information. | |  | Great commentary! Dec 11, 2006 |
I believe this book is one of the finest 1-volume commentaries on the New Testament. William MacDonald is clear, concise, and accurate with the Biblical text. He teaches Scriptures dispensationally. I read the entire volume and was greatly encouraged spiritually by it. I would recommend it to Christian who seeks to mature in their faith. | |  | Believer's Bible Commentary Nov 10, 2006 |
The explanations of passages in the bible are written in an easy to understand way. The author gives the different interpretations to the hard to understand passages along with the scripture to back up the interpretations. He then gives the opinion he supports and the scripture and reasons for his opinion.
This is a valuable study guide for a better understanding of the bible.
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