1 & 2 Chronicles (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series) [Paperback]
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$ 24.38
Item Number |
4908312 |
OverviewLouis Jonker's section-by-section commentary on 1-2 Chronicles is the newest volume in the Understanding the Bible Commentary Series. This user-friendly commentary series helps readers navigate the sometimes difficult terrain of the Bible. These volumes offer solid research in an accessible way, breaking down the barriers between the ancient and modern worlds so that the power and meaning of the biblical texts become clear to contemporary readers. The contributors tackle the task of interpretation using the full range of critical methodologies and practices, yet they do so as people of faith who hold the text in the highest regard. In this commentary, Jonker reads 1-2 Chronicles as literature which negotiates a new socio-religious identity in a period of political transition.
Pages 338
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.45" Width: 5.6" Height: 0.81" Weight: 1.08 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Oct 15, 2023
Publisher Baker Books
ISBN 0801048257 EAN 9780801048258
Availability 59 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 28, 2024 04:04.
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