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SUBTITLE: Beyond The Upper Room
Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room looks at common objections to and misconceptions about tongues, scriptural purposes of speaking in other tongues, common excesses, praying out God's plan, pressing into greater depths in prayer, guidelines to receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and much more!
Item Specifications...
Pages 353
Dimensions: Length: 8.9" Width: 5.9" Height: 0.9" Weight: 1.05 lbs.
Publisher Faith Library Publicat/Hagin
ISBN 0892765380 EAN 9780892765386
Availability 202 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 12:28.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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 | The Bible has much more to say about this subject. Dec 2, 2009 |
I honestly expected more. I am always looking for balanced information on the Gift of Tongues as it exists biblically. The assumption that the Gift of Tongues is evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit has only been popularized since 1906. Before that time, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was not associated with the Gift of Tongues, but with humility, repentance, prayer, and fasting. Mr. Hagin says it is not necessary to "tarry" to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Scripturally and historically this is simply not accurate. All of the Great Awakenings and Revival movements of the world before 1906 confirm this.
Scriptures such as 1 Cor. 12 (all of it, in context) plainly establish Tongues as only one of many equal and vital spiritual gifts. The corrections in 1 Cor 12-14 plainly establish the Gift of Tongues as one of many spiritual gifts, yet this book, like so many others begins with the assumption that it is the one spiritual gift that all believers should seek and acquire.
In "Tongues; Beyond The Upper Room" a purely biblical basis for that assumption is never established, simply assumed. I personally do not endorse Cessationism. I believe there is no biblical basis for teaching that the spiritual gift of tongues has ceased. But there is also no purely biblical position that every believer should or could speak in tongues. Some will, some won't. In these issues we should not be willing to move beyond what the scriptures actually say. Personal experience always has to take a back seat to what the Word of God says.
There are numerous examples of this lack of respect for biblical boundaries in this book. On page 48 Mr. Hagin discusses Luke's account of the Samaritans receiving the Holy Spirit. He acknowledges that as Luke recorded the Samaritans "receiving the Holy Spirit" there is no mention of them speaking in tongues. (Acts 8:5-17) Then I quote the following from page 49 in Mr. Hagin's book, "Someone might say, it doesn't say in this passage that the Samaritans spoke with tongues, so that must mean a person can receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues. But a person who makes that statement hasn't studied either the scriptures or church history very closely. First a student of Church History knows that the early church Fathers agreed the believers of Samaria did speak with tongues. Second if you go on reading in Chapter 8, you'll learn something very significant about a fellow name Simeon."
First, I have studied early church history. I am not aware of any Ante-Nicene Father's writings which suggest that in Acts 8 the Samaritans spoke in tongues. I don't believe this is an accurate statement. I have scoured the first 400 years of writings for any mention of Tongues. I have found several statements by early church writers who mention the gift of tongues, but nothing at all about Acts 8:5-17 and the Samaritans speaking in tongues. These early church writings are cataloged and have a reference system. It is quite easy to give an exact location where such statements are made. In the book I spent the last 7 years writing, Tongues Vs. Cessationism! The Great Debate Settled?!, I was careful to always give exact references so that any statement in the book could easily be checked by the reader. Most writers give a source and a location so that the reader can affirm the information for themselves. In "Tongues:Beyond The Upper Room" when such statements are made there is no reference or footnote so that we have any confirmation of such a statement.
Second, on page 50, Mr. Hagin refers to Simeon (Acts 8:18-19) saying Simeon must have seen them speaking in tongues. But this scripture also says nothing at all about the spiritual gift of tongues. Several paragraphs of explanation follow but none of them really deals with what the Bible actually says. While there are three mentions of the Gift of Tongues in the Book of Acts, there are more than 30 mentions of the activity of the Holy Spirit in Acts with believers being empowered to various acts of ministry and service. The actions of the Holy Spirit are described using different verbs and there are different results. Are we to assume that every mention of the Holy Spirit in Acts was accompanied by tongues? Then why would Mr. Hagin assume that here? That is not what the Bible says. The Greek language is incredibly vivid and descriptive. Luke was a highly detailed writer. We can trust what the Bible actually says, without reading into it what we want it to say.
There are believers around the world who operate in the spiritual gift of tongues and hold it as vital to their walk with the Lord, However, the constant assumption that every believer is not complete until they have spoken in tongues is not scripturally or historically defensible. There were three verifiable corrections of this exact value in the first 400 years of the church. On page 85 Mr. Hagin says, "You'll never grow spiritually as you ought to grow until you are filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak with other tongues. That's absolutely the truth."
I have been in the ministry for 30 years and some of the most immature and devisive people I have even known in my life would be the most vocal about being filled with Spirit and speaking in tongues. By the way, some of the other immature and devisive believers I've worked with would say that the Gift of Tongues has ceased and comes from the Devil. Neither "Camp" is completely right. Spiritual growth and maturity has absolutely nothing to do with whether you or I have spoken or not spoken in tongues. Various believers have different spiritual gifts. By spiritual growth, some have added to their gifting, faith, hope, or love. Whatever our gifting, it is faith, hope, and love and the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) that make any of our spiritual gifts useful for the Risen Lord Jesus Christ's Glory.
While I have respect for what Kenneth Hagin has accomplished in ministry, I can't recommend this book. It contains too much tradition and experience, with very little sound scriptural basis.
| |  | An awesome book, a must have Feb 22, 2009 |
This book is a thorough study on the subject from someone who has so many years of experience. Even though I've been listening to Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin for more that 20 years, this book reveals information on the subject of tongues that I've never heard before! It is a must have for anyone who wants to take their spiritual life to another level! | |  | Thorough and applicable to daily live Aug 1, 2008 |
I recommend this book to those who want to know more about the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Keneth E Higgin is thorough in his explanation of the operation of the Spirit of God in our daily lives today.
It explains how the purpose of praying in the Spirit with clear examples of the power of tongues in daily life situations. It will enhance your prayer life.
| |  | this book is amazing! Jul 13, 2008 |
this is a book by kenneth hagin (who is now deceased) the 1st book that i have read by him, the book is very informative discussing the importance of tongues in the bible that is very rarely talked about or even taught in other books. a pastor that started his walk with GOD when he was still in his teens being raised out of a death bed and a miracle healing from GOD and had been preaching and teaching for 7 decades. the topics of praying in tongues is broken down and explained both through revelation that kenneth received from the HOLY SPIRIT and through his success and mistakes that he has made through his life, a very exciting book to read that is hard to put down and is very informative. | |  | Great education on the subject. Jun 19, 2008 |
The Holy Spirit led me to speak in tongues which I knew nothing about aside from reading the book of Acts. Hagin's teaching on this subject is excellent & helped this novice to understand about the gift of "tongues."
I got to the 3rd or 4th chapter, and understood how I needed to yield to the Holy Spirit in order to pray in tongues. (I did finish the book)
Some of the other Hagin Sr. books got a little left of center for me but this one was right on. | | Write your own review about Tongues