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A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume 4: Law and Love (The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library) (v. 4)
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Product Description
John Meierâs previous volumes in the acclaimed series A Marginal Jew are founded upon the notion that while solid historical information about Jesus is quite limited, people of different faiths can nevertheless arrive at a consensus on fundamental historical facts of his life. In this eagerly anticipated fourth volume in the series, Meier approaches a fresh topicâthe teachings of the historical Jesus concerning Mosaic Law and moralityâwith the same rigor, thoroughness, accuracy, and insightfulness on display in his earlier works. Â After correcting misconceptions about Mosaic Law in Jesusâ time, this volume addresses the teachings of Jesus on major legal topics like divorce, oaths, the Sabbath, purity rules, and the various love commandments in the Gospels. What emerges from Meierâs research is a profile of a complicated first-century Palestinian Jew who, far from seeking to abolish the Law, was deeply engaged in debates about its observance. Only by embracing this portrait of the historical Jesus grappling with questions of the Torah do we avoid the common mistake of constructing Christian moral theology under the guise of studying âJesus and the Law,â the author concludes.
Item Specifications...
Pages 752
Dimensions: Length: 9.3" Width: 6.3" Height: 2.2" Weight: 2.5 lbs.
Release Date May 26, 2024
Publisher Yale University Press
ISBN 0300140967 EAN 9780300140965
Availability 24 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 02:39.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Jesus on the Law and Love Sep 12, 2009 |
This is the fourth volume of Catholic scholar John Meier's seminal work on the historical Jesus. In this volume he tackles Jesus' teaching, in particular on the issues of divorce, taking oaths, the Sabbath, purity laws and the love commandments.
To take divorce and oaths, Meier argues that Jesus opposed divorce and opposed oath taking. On both issues Jesus broke with contemporary Jewish teaching. As Meier shows, Jesus can't be placed in any one category. At times he was stricter than his contemporaries, other times more liberal.
As with the previous volumes, Meier takes rather critical views with sources and their authenticity. (In fact, he seems to be more skeptical with the material discussed in this volume.) For example, he argues that Mark 2:23-28, in effect, describes Jesus as misunderstanding scripture. Meier argues that the story is a creation of the early church. It's unfortunate that Meier does not interact with more conservative scholarship on this, and similar, apparent problems.
| |  | UN EJEMPLO DE RIGOR Jul 9, 2009 |
(Me permito escribir en español. Gracias)
A los que hayan seguido los volúmenes anteriores no extrañará encontrarse con este ejemplo de rigor y seriedad que supone la investigación sobre el Jesús histórico que nos ofrece J.P. Meier. En un campo donde existe tanta palabrería y donde se multiplican obras pseudocientíficas que sólo buscan vender a base de decir tonterías, la obra de Meier sigue siendo un faro para no perderse y caminar sobre seguro.
Es un placer pensar que, al menos, queda todavía otro volúmen. | |  | How the historical Jesus relates to us Jun 21, 2009 |
This is the 4th of a projected 5-volume series investigating who Jesus was and how he was perceived as he walked this earth some 2000 years ago. This volume provides an exhaustive evaluation of what is known currently about the Mosaic Law and Judaism in the 1st centure of the Christian era, and how well Jesus followed that law. Like the previous volumes, Fr. Meier provides exhaustive scholarship. The footnotes are as long and fact-filled as the main text. Thus, reading is not for the beginner or faint-of-heart. But for those of us who are avid students of christology, it is an invaluable source of material for understanding the historic Jesus, and the relevance of this understanding to modern problems facing us. The 5th (and last??) volume is eagerly awaited. | |  | Insights into Jesus' life and mission Jun 20, 2009 |
This is an excellent work of scholarship and meditative insight. It is a must read for preachers, priests, ministers, and scripture scholars. Scholar-friends recommended it to me, I now want to read the whole series. | |  | Meier's "A Marginal Jew 4" Jun 12, 2009 |
John Meier again outdid himself in this long awaited fourth volume of "A Marginal Jew", exploring Jesus on the Law and love. I look forward eagerly to his fifth volume. | | Write your own review about A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume 4: Law and Love (The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library) (v. 4)