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An Overview of the Old Testament (Following God Through the Bible)
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Item Description...
An Overview of the Old Testament contains a ?blueprint? Bible study that gives a brief sketch of every chapter in the Old Testament. Each ?blueprint? begins with easy to follow Scripture divisions that are summed up with challenging self-examination and thought-provoking study questions. The study questions are designed to encourage readers to open their Bibles to find God?s truths. Prayer and praise points allow time for quiet contemplation and application of the lesson.
Allowing Scripture to be its own interpreter, An Overview encourages readers to compare Scripture with Scripture (1 Cor. 2:6?13) so that they can discover the true message God has for each of us. Unlike other books in the acclaimed Following God Bible Study series, An Overview does not give answers to the study questions asked, encouraging readers to find the answers in the greatest textbook of all time?the Bible. Whether it is used for group study, individual devotions or as a tool for preachers, An Overview of the Old Testament is a new and exciting way to learn the truth of God?s Word.
Item Specifications...
Pages 303
Dimensions: Length: 10.8" Width: 8.5" Height: 0.6" Weight: 1.55 lbs.
Release Date Oct 25, 2023
Publisher AMG PUBLISHERS #164
ISBN 0899573401 EAN 9780899573403 UPC 000000878136
Availability 7 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 11:01.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Bible Study > General [2774 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Old Testament > Study [3032 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A one-of-a-kind reflective and contemplative, self-study tool, highly recommended Feb 3, 2007 |
Written by pastor and Bible college lecturer John Malseed, An Overview of the Old Testament is an interactive, consumable study guide meant to facilitate self-examination as well as a greater religious, philosophical, and spiritual understanding of the Old Testament. An Overview of the Old Testament is not a lengthy, detailed summary of the biblical text; it is not even as long as a "Cliff Notes" style summary would be. Rather, each segment of the Old Testament is summarized in a set of sentences, followed by context questions, study questions with scripture cross-referencing, and self-examination questions for the reader. A blank line is provided for the reader to write a brief answer to each question. For example, Genesis Ch. 4 is summarized with "1-8 Abel is killed by his jealous brother Cain. / 9-24 Cain is punished by God and the first civilization is formed. / 25-26 Seth is born and men realize their need for God" and sample questions include "How did God instruct Cain?" (context), "According to the book of Hebrews, what was the key ingredient of Abel's offering? Heb. 11:4" (research study), and "Where in my list of priorities do I put God?" (self-examination). A one-of-a-kind reflective and contemplative, self-study tool, highly recommended for anyone seeking to better understand their personal connection to God through studying the Old Testament. | | Write your own review about An Overview of the Old Testament (Following God Through the Bible)