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Item Description...
: Are you desperate for Jesus? Do you feel passionate about your faith? Do you long for something more out of your spiritual life? In the Gospels you'll find the stories eight nameless women who were driven by passion and desperation to find out who Jesus really was. Come alongside them and experience how their encounters with God transformed their lives.
Jo Kadlecek is your guide to these unforgettable women. Through her unique writing she reveals new insights into Christ's life and character to help you make sense of your own situations and passions. You will find new hope in discovering how Jesus can use even your most desperate desires to lead you closer to him and into a life of greater fullness and purpose.
Item Specifications...
Pages 192
Dimensions: Length: 8.7" Width: 5.4" Height: 0.6" Weight: 0.6 lbs.
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
ISBN 0801066182 EAN 9780801066184 UPC 000000882252
Availability 19 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 01:36.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Highly recommended for personal spiritual discovery as well as group study and discussion. Mar 4, 2007 |
Written by journalist, author, and retreat and conference teacher Jo Kadlecek, Desperate Women of the Bible: Lessons on Passion From the Gospels presents the stories of eight nameless women from the Gospels who were driven by passion and desperation to find out who Jesus Christ really was. Desperate Women of the Bible guides the reader in an exploration of the story of these unforgettable women, and the insights revealed as to how emulating Christ's character and teachings can transform even the most desperate of one's desires and passions into a life of greater fullness and purpose. "In-Between Reflections", such as "What are some specific and creative ways you could consciously seek opportunities to give more generously?" and "Digging Deeper" passages between chapters of narrative parable offer the opportunity for self-study, further reflection, and examination. Highly recommended for personal spiritual discovery as well as group study and discussion. | |  | love the concept Feb 2, 2007 |
I long to have passion in my faith. I long to be a strong woman who follows Christ. I sometimes struggled with this book, impatient to get to the heart of what was being said, but perhaps that is because the author wanted to share the context, the background, as the story unfolded. But overall, I love the concept of the book. | |  | Intelligent, beautiful, and stunning. Dec 13, 2006 |
I usually shy away from any devotional or study book that is about or for women, even though I AM a woman. This is because nearly all of them are written by and for sweet, charitable women who are already kind and thoughtful and Christlike. Sadly, I am not that kind of woman, and I am a constant work in progress, so these books are often, in my opinion, filled to the brim with sappy sentiments and fluffy, empty drivel that I simply cannot stand. When I choose a devotional book, I want SUBSTANCE, and I want to KNOW GOD! I want to read a book that inspires me to live for Him and to change myself!
I am excited to say that "Desperate Women of the Bible" is exactly the kind of book that I have been looking for!
Jo Kadlecek has written a wonderful book that encompasses everything that is necessary in a good devotional, and has also included aspects that I rarely find but always desire to. Each chapter studies a certain section directly from the Bible about a nameless woman of the New Testament who encountered Christ and was transformed. Not only does Kadlecek include the actual Bible passage for you to read, but she then delves into the historical & social context of the passage! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that she has taken the time to give her readers a deeper understanding of the Biblical passage, as nearly every devotional I read NEVER does this! She then discusses the "conflict", "counsel", and "conversion" of each passage with agility and theologically sound reasoning. Peppered with the standard (but still entertaining) modern-day anecdotes and her own opinions, she has managed to pen a study book that is complete in every way - intelligent, entertaining, God-inspired, empowering, relevant, and passionate. Simply fantastic.
Grade: A+
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