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Book Description The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. —Deuteronomy 29:29
This new, expanded and completely documented edition of The Signature of God contains additional research and compelling documentation proving the Bible is inspired by God. Remarkable new computer discoveries from the Bible Codes reveal astonishing details about the September 11 Islamic terrorist attack on America that were encoded in Hebrew text thousands of years ago.
Key topics include:
·New Bible Codes reveal the details of September 11, 2024 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon ·Historical documents confirm the supernatural darkness when Jesus was crucified ·Advanced scientific statements provide compelling evidence the Bible was inspired ·Incredibly modern medical statements prove that God inspired the Scriptures ·Hundreds of accurate prophecies demonstrate the Bible is supernatural
Item Specifications...
Pages 352
Dimensions: Length: 8.46" Width: 5.55" Height: 0.76" Weight: 0.9 lbs.
Release Date Sep 3, 2024
ISBN 0921714742 EAN 9780921714743 UPC 000000530428
Availability 14 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 08:46.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Excellent!!!!!!! Feb 27, 2007 |
The Signature of God by Grant Jeffrey shows us that you can prove the bible is of Supernatural origin with evidence. The Evidence Jeffrey uses is The Historicity of the Bible; He shows us how Archeology proves out the Biblical accounts; He shows us how the Bible had scientific and Medical evidence that was correct hundreds and thousands of years before modern science; He shows us a code hidden in the Text; and finally shows us how bible prophecy proves out the Scriptures (Jesus fulfilled over 100 specific Prophecy's with his first coming and many prophecy's are being fulfilled right before our eyes, such as Israel becoming a nation again in 1948). This is a must have for Christians and Skeptics alike. | |  | Great start for the true seeker May 19, 2006 |
I thought the book was great, though a bit of a slow start. It presents a good overview of evidence supporting the accuracy of the Bible and its claim to be the inspired word of God. It touches on areas of biblical studies such as science, History, Biblical archeology, manuscripts, prophetic and statistical analysis, the mysterious bible codes, etc. A thourough report in any one of these areas could and has produced volumes of books. So this book is really more of a highlight look, at these areas, and yet it presents enough to challenge the toughest of skeptics. It is great for the seeker who may not quite know where to start, and has enough power packed facts to excite them on their jouney. Another recommended book is Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell. Written by a former atheist who researched the evidence, became a believer and felt the need to share the evidence he has since gathered. Keep seeking with an unquenching heart for truth, and you will find. Sure you will meet great resistance along the journey, but it is absolutley the greatest adventure of life. God bless. | |  | The Statement of God Apr 10, 2006 |
I enjoyed reading this book. Jefferey's style of writing has its compassion but it also has its facts. Sometimes he was a little repetitive about the q's and a's. I am impressed with how the book has totally peeved people off. It seems to me that it must be true. The hatred people express to Jeffereys and the book tells me that Satan doesnt want people to read this. I believe this book touches on supernatural and scientific facts. I believe The Signature of God takes Sunday morning services and combines them with CSI. If a person cant find something remarkable about this book or the Bible then I believe there is wool over their eyes. Please read this with open-mindedness and a willingness to learn. Thank you. | |  | "la bomba" Write on front of "Book Proves God" - #1 Best seller -make a million Oct 4, 2005 |
10/04/06 - King James (himself a homosexual) had the words "Women priest" and "women deacon" changed to "women servants", the word for "young male lover" translated to "wife" and that's just the start of corrupted man's bible. Grant R. Jeffrey is a nutball zealot, another ignorant irresponsible late adopter Republican who comes along and takes the liberal Scientific intellectual educated information to corroborate his ignorance and then bash all dissenters and seekers of truth who don't accept his narrow minded sanctimony as "liberal 'attackers' of the Bible who 'hate' God". I've studied 67 translations in 3 languages of the bible, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin. Never in my life have I found a book packed with so many lies and prejudices. This book was purely political and nothing to do with spiritual, quite the opposite it incites hate and divisiveness. If you stick with the quotation marks, (he watches a LOT of TV) CNN, National Geographic, Scientific Frontier, and yes the Torah, you might get some straight literal translations. Otherwise his histrionic "head banger" indoctrinating superlative adjective editorial comments before his each and every biased opinion "any fair minded person" is so nauseating as to make you want to get a gun and go out and shoot a Christian, preferably Wbush. I was so glad to finish this filth. People say it's hilarious but I doubt Jesus will be laughing. Grant here, truly, is the false prophet that Jesus says "He will come in my name and I will say I know you not". Seriously, such divisiveness in the embrace of all God's creation diversity has no place in God's many houses. This book incites such hatred on both sides that the author is a menace. Chapters 13 and 14, the only ones which didn't make me wretch, his wife must have written. This man is headed for a fiery lake. No Theologian Scholars or authorities recommend the book, he writes his own. He puts on the cover of his book that it proves we were all created by a creator (Duh) and suddenly he's a millionaire and #1 Best seller. Goes to show how many beaming moran Jack-asses are in the world who will eat this load. I have a jackass down the hall who lent me the book and I'm appalled, jackass listens to his Drudge report. Hateful people must be confronted with love. So, where is the love? Any good books out there? [...] | |  | Not for entertainment value Jul 28, 2005 |
I must say that if you are expecting this book to be full of knowledge as well as entertaining, you're going to be let down. This book is so poorly written that it would flunk as an essay in Freshman English class. On top of repeating the same question 3-5 times in a chapter, he also manages to thrill us with sentences identical to one another 3 seperate times in one paragraph just to take up space. Unfortunately, for Jeffrey, his point may be lost in the mind-numbing redundancy of his style. I do, however; have positives to share. I feel that in light of his horrible ability to write, he does present a fair amount of good research. Contrary to the beliefs of the skeptics on this page and everywhere else, not only does the bible code exist but its findings were published in a few scientific journals as well as both the history and discovery channels. I assure all of those critics of the code, research it with a little less bias and you will find that it is true. That is of course if you are intelligent enough to point it out. Bible code is not the only thing talked about in this book and of course the amusing negativity critiqued on this book failed to make any mention of the number of additional findings listed inside that are intended to give the Bible validity. So in conclusion, please have an open mind when you read this book and after you struggle through Jeffrey's horrible writing style, research the topics for yourself instead of believing the first negative criticism you read. | | Write your own review about Signature Of God (Revised)