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Book Description
A complete reference edition of the 60-volume Thru the Bible commentary series, this five-volume set is an excellent choice if you need a complete Bible commentary in durable hardcover bindings. It includes Dr. McGee's insightful study of each book of the Bible with in-depth, paragraph-by-paragraph discussions of key verses and passages. Purchase the entire five-volume set or collect them individually as your study progresses.
Item Specifications...
Dimensions: Length: 10.29" Width: 7.42" Height: 1.41" Weight: 2.25 lbs.
Binding Cloth Text
Release Date Jan 12, 2024
ISBN 078520203X EAN 9780785202035 UPC 000000049232
Availability 9 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 07:56.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > General [1794 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > Old Testament [2074 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | excellent Bible reference Feb 28, 2007 |
excellent Bible reference. this one completes my set. very insightful. easy to understand. | |  | J. Vernon McGee reveals and exalts the Lord Jesus Christ Jul 12, 2003 |
J. Vernon McGee is the only radio Bible teacher that I know of who consistantly pointed his listeners/students to the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ no matter which page of Scripture he was teaching from. The Lord Jesus Christ is always brought to the front and center of his teaching. He was definitely gifted by God to teach from the Bible. He taught me how to interpret Scripture correctly by comparing Scripture with Scripture. The Spirit of God worked through J. Vernon McGee to lead me to saving faith in God our Saviour, and to turn me from the religion of Lutheranism (i.e., law and "gospel") that kept me from receiving God's GIFT of grace by faith alone, in Christ alone completely. Amen!Dr. McGee had a saying that went something like this: "Put the cookies on the bottom shelf so that the kiddies can reach them." That was his approach to teaching the Word of God. He taught in a way that was able to be understood by every day, common people. Adults, as well as children, can become strong in their knowledge of the Word of God through the systematic teaching of Dr. McGee. The only thing that I disagree with him on is when he would stray from the Authorized King James Version in favor of the "better"/corrupt manuscripts. Overall, his teaching is mostly taught from the Authorized Version. When either listening or reading his program/commentary it is as if you are one-on-one with him. You will also discover that he has great sense of humor. I have the five volume set and recommend that if you are looking for good solid Bible teaching, this is a good eternal investment. | |  | J. Vernon McGee reveals and exalts the Lord Jesus Christ Jul 12, 2003 |
J. Vernon McGee is the only radio Bible teacher that I know of who consistantly pointed his listeners/students to the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ no matter which page of Scripture he was teaching from. The Lord Jesus Christ is always brought to the front and center of his teaching. He was definitely gifted by God to teach from the Bible. He taught me how to interpret Scripture correctly by comparing Scripture with Scripture. The Spirit of God worked through J. Vernon McGee to lead me to saving faith in God our Saviour, and to turn me from the religion of Lutheranism (i.e., law and "gospel") that kept me from receiving God's GIFT of grace by faith alone, in Christ alone completely. Amen!Dr. McGee had a saying that went something like this: "Put the cookies on the bottom shelf so that the kiddies can reach them." That was his approach to teaching the Word of God. He taught in a way that was able to be understood by every day, common people. Adults, as well as children, can become strong in their knowledge of the Word of God through the systematic teaching of Dr. McGee. The only thing that I disagree with him on is when he would stray from the Authorized King James Version in favor of the "better"/corrupt manuscripts. Overall, his teaching is mostly taught from the Authorized Version. When either listening or reading his program/commentary it is as if you are one-on-one with him. You will also discover that he has great sense of humor. I have the five volume set and recommend that if you are looking for good solid Bible teaching, this is a good eternal investment. | |  | The greatest books other than the Bible Jan 27, 2001 |
I have tought Sr. High Sunday school for 20+ years and Dr. McGee's Through the Bible serise is the main reference that I have used for most of my teaching. It has been a personal blessing to me and it is unbelievable what insight God gave this man. After I meet Jesus, next I want to see Dr McGhee and thank him for his service to our Lord and saviour. | |  | Thru The Bible with J . Vernon Mcgee Feb 1, 2000 |
Dr Mcgee's understanding and insight into the word of God is delightful.There isn't a sermon or Bible study that I prepare in which I don't take time to look at Dr Mcgee's writings. This is a great book for the professional clergy or the lay person to include in their library. I highly recommend all 5 volumes. | | Write your own review about Commentary-Thru The Bible V2: Joshua-Psalms S/S