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The New Jerusalem Bible
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Item Description...
Outline Review In 1956, scholars from L'Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem set their minds to translating the Scriptures from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts, hoping they could preserve the most sacred Christian traditions and stories. By 1966, the first English-language Jerusalem Bible was published. Since then it has become a favored text for lay readers and scholars alike. The accessible language and richly recounted stories, poetry, and letters in this edition is consistent with previous versions. However, this latest version stands out because of its clear format--clean double columns with easy-to-read type and quick reference headings.
Product Description A contemporary translation of the Bible incorporates contemporary insights on the peoples, lands, and beliefs of the ancient world into a complete revision of the original text.
Item Specifications...
Pages 2136
Dimensions: Length: 9.4" Width: 6.1" Height: 2.1"
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
Publisher RANDOM HOUSE #22
ISBN 0385142641 EAN 9780385142649 UPC 000000208982
Version: NJR
Availability 8 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 03:51.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
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1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Specific Types > Catholic [226 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Best NJB edition Apr 12, 2010 |
The NJB, which I've just began to read, is a nice, easy to read translation thats less literal then the RSV for example, but the style is easy to read. It has a bit of inclusive langauge, but not as much as the NRSV.
I like the format (single column) and the notes at the bottom of the page, also near the page edge is referanced where passages is quoted in the other books of the Bible.
The format and font is clear and easy read, though the footnotes are a bit small, theres a good hard cover, but not sure if it will stand up to a lot of use!
One important thing is to make sure you get the Doubleday, hardback ISBN 0385142641, 2136 page edition if you want all the notes.
Personally, I think this Bible compliments the RSV and NAB Bibles I have very well.
5 stars. | |  | DO NOT GET THIS! Apr 9, 2010 |
If you are looking for The New Jerusalem Bible you MUST get the version with the study notes. THIS version is the best study bible on the market:
ISBN-10: 0385142641 ISBN-13: 978-0385142649
| |  | Alex in Ohio Apr 3, 2010 |
I received this order in a timely manner ahead of estimations. The price was perfect. I love this translation. I read it with devotions along with another translation. Very pleased. | |  | Exciting! Mar 10, 2010 |
The New Jerusalem Bible is an exciting translation! Even the "feel" of this edition is exciting! I am so very pleased! | |  | A Winner Jan 18, 2010 |
The New Jerusalem Bible I've just received the New Jerusalem Bible. The notes are outstanding. The print is relatively small, but OK. But I have to use a magnifying glass to read the small text notations, "a," "b," "c," etc. The introductory articles are outstanding, too. I've checked it against my NIV and the JBJerusalem Bible-Jr (Bible Jb). They form together my gold standard:
Galatians 3, 16: (1) "Now the promises were addressed to Abraham "and to his descendants"--notice, in passing, that scripture does not use a plural word as if there were several descendants, it uses the singular: to his posterity, which is Christ." JB
(2) "Now the promises were addressed to Abraham "and to his progeny." The words were not "and to his progenies" in the plural, but in the singular "and to his progeny," which means Christ." NJB
(3) "The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say `and to his seeds,` meaning many people, but `and to his your seed,' meaning one person, who is Christ." NIV
The terms descendant/descendants along with "posterity," progeny/progenies, and seed/seeds all present problems. (1) JB has "descendants" as being singular in contrast to "descendants" in the plural. "Descendant" is the common contrasting singular form and should have been used to avoid ambiguity. The Greek lists contrasting forms, "spermati," singular, and "spermasin," plural (see [a link to an online interlinear translation of the Bible, which was removed; evidently outside links are not OK] ). In addition the JB uses the word "posterity" as if it were singular, pointing a single individual far removed from Abraham in time: it is only singular in form; it refers to all in his line. (2) The NJB uses a mass noun in a singular sense, resulting in ambiguity: for "progeny" means all the progeny. To construe it as singular means to confer on it a special, unfamiliar sense. (3) NIV's seed/seeds is used in a non-literal, figurative sense, taking the source, Abraham (as seed), for the result, Christ. Further, "Progeny" is a count noun, pointing to an entire descent from a source, rather than to a remote individual in the line. The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary lists "Offspring, progeny" as rare, except in biblical phraseology. So as it is, the NIV takes the prize--but using terminology meaningful only to someone already grounded in the Biblical usage. If the JB had translated "spermati" in the singular, "descendant," it would have provided a sound translation for the general reader. The mass-noun/count-noun distinction is not rigidly followed, though one could expect it to be in a Bible.
In future I'll use the New Jerusalem Bible and the NIV as my gold standards. I haven't tagged my NIV because I'm not sure it is the latest.
12/23/10 I have since run onto problems with some notes commenting on the text. For example, the NJB note on the song of Simeon, Lk 2, 29-32, reads: "Unlike [the] `Magnificat' and `Benedictus' this canticle seems to have been written by Luke himself, using especially texts from Isaiah. . . ." The note on the "Magnificat," Lk 1, 46-55, is largely to the same effect. Here the commentator does not say flatly that it is the work of Luke himself, but that "Lk must have found this canticle in the circles of the `Poor,' where it was perhaps attributed to the Daughter of Zion. He found it suitable to bring it into the prose narrative and put on the lips of Mary." The commentator's use the word "`Poor`" without further explanation seems pejorative, i.e., as if to say "the poor and ignorant." The note on the "Benedictus," Lk 1, 68-79: "Like the `Magnificat' this canticle is a poem which Lk has drawn from elsewhere to put on Zechariah's lips, adding vv. 76-77 to adapt it to the context. . . ." ["All those who heard it treasured it in their hearts. . . ."]
These are offensive in tone. The comments not do justice to what Luke says at the start: Lk 1, 2-4: an account drawn up "as these were handed down to us by those who from the outset were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word[.] I in my turn, after carefully going over the whole story from the beginning, have decided to write an ordered account for you . . . ." When Luke says, for example, "treasured up in their hearts," this includes various memories by Mary and others. Textual criticism asks questions of a text, e.g., How do you come to know Mary's thinking?--Because she talked about it, reminisced about it with others: it was of increasing interest to them. These were religious people in touch with religious life: Elizabeth and Zechariah, and the bystanders at the critical times. They treasured it up in their hearts: their lives were coming to be defined by these "wonders." It should come as no surprise that their thinking tended to be expressed in terms of appropriate, familiar texts. Luke drew on the record of these memories as he wrote.
Today I'd give 3 stars to the New Jerusalem Study Bible, and only as a second Bible. | | Write your own review about The New Jerusalem Bible