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Product Description
Matthew Henry had the rare ability to express profound spiritual insights with simplicity and eloquence. Over the years his writings have been read for both their scholarship and devotion, and none more than the classic Commentary on the Whole Bible. Now you can read the very best of Matthew Henry in this new edition of his famous commentary. A valuable source of reference and sermon material with a clear modern typeface, this classic is a treasure for pastors, students, Bible teachers, and devotional readers alike!
Item Specifications...
Pages 1200
Dimensions: Length: 9.3" Width: 6.5" Height: 1.9" Weight: 2.6 lbs.
Release Date Jul 17, 2024
Publisher Nelson Word / Nelson Books
ISBN 0785250476 EAN 9780785250470 UPC 020049050477
Availability 8 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 06:38.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Such a helpful aid to understand the Bible. Apr 14, 2010 |
I value this book not only because of it's content, but also because of its size and the style in which it is written. The size does not overwhelm me like other aids I've bought. It's easy to hold and I can quickly find the reference for which I'm looking. Henry's book - at least the one I purchased - is very user friendly. The style is straight forward and easy to understand. I'm a very literal thinker so the way this book is written does not cause me to go "tilt" trying to figure out what he is conveying.
Just as the cover states - it is easy to read, it is outlined chapter by chapter -- all in one book. I believe it would be good for beginning student's of the Bible as well as for seasoned teachers and seasoned people who enjoy studying the Bible. Definitely a great resource tool. I also think it would be a good help for non-believers who study the Bible, for students researching for reports, etc. It appears to give very straight explanations that would not cause controversy for any reader, student, researcher.
Supplements included in the Matthew Henry Commentary include:Fulfilled prophecies of the Messiah, harmony of the gospels, the Jewish calendar, maps and other documentations to help one understand the timeline in the Bible. Time truly gets away from me when I wander through the verses, the maps, timelines, etc. imagining what it was like "back then" but it also makes me so grateful for the "now" of time for us. | |  | Poor Navigation Feb 7, 2010 |
The Index does not allow locating a specific book and chapter such as 1 John 1:1 or even 1 John. This renders this cumberson and difficult to use. Needs a better navigation system. | |  | a quick look Feb 6, 2010 |
The printing was SO SMALL our OLD eye could not read it easily
and sadly had to return it. | |  | Too hard to Read Dec 21, 2009 |
This is a lovely book in most every way, except the print is very teeny, tiny and the ink is light, so it is very difficult to read and that's what I bought it for, to read. So I am disappointed. | |  | one of a kind Nov 14, 2009 |
Excellent. 2000 pages of extremely small print. This thing is equivalent to 12,000 pages of normal-sized text. I've never read any commentary so thorough. I'm looking forward to years of Bible study with this book alone. | | Write your own review about Matthew Henrys Concise Commentary (Value Series)