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Item Description...
The straightforward manner in which Matthew Henry's Commentary brings Scripture to bear on the practical matters of life and of Christian character together with its deeply reverent, devotional style, have made it the most beloved Bible commentary of all time. For nearly 300 years, Christians have consulted its rich insights into the very heart of God's Word. Passage by passage, its prayerful, penetrating reflections inspire and challenge the reader. This careful abridgment presents in one volume the wealth of exposition and comment, metaphors, analogies, and illustrations that have set Matthew Henry's Commentary apart as one of the enduring legacies of faith. It is ideal for -- Personal devotions - Bible study - Sermon and lesson preparation -- Forever fresh and never failing to render new pearls of wisdom, Matthew Henry's Commentary is a book you will reach for often to obtain deeper understanding of the Scriptures.
Item Specifications...
Pages 2000
Dimensions: Length: 9.58" Width: 6.79" Height: 2.45" Weight: 3.75 lbs.
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
ISBN 0310260108 EAN 9780310260103 UPC 025986260101
Availability 82 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 06:31.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Effective for quick-reference, but get the unabridged, if possible. Jul 23, 2005 |
Matthew Henry is a devotional scholar - that is, his commentaries shouldn't be used for historical study or language study as much as for how the text of the Bible is applicable to the lives of Christians. That said, he might be the most prolific devotional commentator of all time.
I have the original six-volume commentary in my home library, and the abridged version on Quickverse on my notebook computer, for when I'm on the road. I also have this, and it does come in handy for quick reference (I used it this week while I was waiting in the doctor's office). However, one should get the unabridged Henry to get the full thrust of his commentary. This is a good quick reference tool, but probably shouldn't take the place of uncut Henry. | |  | Condensed version of Matthew Henry's commentary Jun 28, 2003 |
This book has been condensed to fit six volumes into one handy book. The book is still pretty thick but surprisingly light for its size. Sometimes, when Matthew Henry expresses the same thought in two or more different ways, Mr. Church cuts down to a single sentence. However he has preserved the meaning, but does not necessarily expand on the thought. He also omits references to other Bible verses that might bear on a particular commentary to save space. Since the complete volumes are not as portable, or not as readable [the unabridged one volume version], this volume is a good compromise. It is like having a pastor handy to answer questions about Bible verses, in one lightweight volume. Note that the two column format is more readable, than the 3 column format of the unabridged one volume version, although the font is still pretty small. | |  | A Necessary Read For Anyone Interested In The Bible Aug 12, 1999 |
The information is solid and enlightening as a whole. There are some questionable interpretations, but very informative where the Pentateuch is concerned. | |  | The best, most informative Bible commentary in my library Jan 6, 1999 |
Matthew Henry has a remarkable ability in presenting a balanced, intelligent account of biblical stories. I wouldn't be without his insights to help me gain a better understanding. This is a great gift for earnest Sunday School students and active students of the Bible. | |  | THIS BOOK HAS AN EXCELLENT OVERVIEW OF THE BIBLE Jul 4, 1998 |
WHAT I HAVE READ OF THE COMMENTARY HAS BEEN VERY INFORMITIVE AND ILLUMINATING. | | Write your own review about Matthew Henrys Commentary 1V-Abridged