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Item Description...
A GOAL WORTH PURSUING. Society beckons us to succeed-to achieve excellence in our appearance, our earning power, our family life. God Himself also beckons us to be women of excellence. But what exactly is He asking? If you're hungry for God's perspective on success in a society that bombards you with conflicting demands, feed on the truths of God's Word that you'll discover in these pages. You will not only learn to "approve the things that are excellent," but you will experience the joy of becoming God's woman of excellence.
Item Specifications...
Pages 144
Dimensions: Length: 8.1" Width: 5.5" Height: 0.6" Weight: 0.16 lbs.
Release Date Jun 30, 2024
Publisher NAV PRESS #111
ISBN 1576838323 EAN 9781576838327 UPC 000000867186
Availability 180 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 12:28.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | This updated version is challenging and growth producing Nov 27, 2006 |
I had worked through this study with the original edition published in the '80s and am now using this edition to lead a ladies Bible study. This version of the study has been updated. I highly recommend this book for group use. Overall it is good both for ladies new to the faith as well as for mature believers. Some of the questions that involve comparing multiple passages are a little daunting for some, but on the whole, all who are seeking truth and growth will be rewarded here.
The study consists of eleven lessons organized into four sections. The first four lessons look at the goal of excellence. The next two lessons make up the section examining the cost of excellence. The third section examines the development of godly excellence in our lives with five lessons including the titles, "Excellence: Molded by Discipline" and "Excellence: Perfected by Purity." The final section is one lesson looking at the life of the Proverbs 31 woman. | |  | Overwhelming Sep 9, 2006 |
This book was overwhelming and disorganized - what I mean was that there lacked a unifying theme; a little legalistic. The indicative should come before the imperative. | |  | Very good woman's book Aug 14, 2005 |
This book helped shape who I am in Christ. Got me through some of the toughest days of my life. A great book to study in a woman's small group. | |  | Loved it! Feb 26, 2005 |
I really enjoyed the questions and lessons in this book. I learned a lot about who I am in Christ and about what God thinks of me. I would definitely recommend this book for any Christian woman, but especially a new believer. I'm thinking about using it in a Christian mom's group and am looking forward to the Spirit led discussion that will come from it.Buy it!! It's so inexpensive too...what do you have to lose? | |  | Great Starter for Bible Studies Jun 13, 2002 |
As a senior in high school, I led a sophomore girls Bible study. We went through this workbook and had a great time. The issues brought up in the book really hit home for alot of us. We had great discussions and were brought closer to God and to each other. I highly recommend it for women of all ages. | | Write your own review about Becoming A Woman Of Excellence (Repack)