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Item Description...
Product Description The XL offers Baby Boomers a uniquely styled, elegantly designed, easy-to-read NRSV Bible. Additional Information Harper Bibles introduces to its classic line of Bibles the XL Edition--a beautifully
Additional Information Harper Bibles introduces to its classic line of Bibles the XL Edition--a beautifully designed and uniquely square-shaped Bible with easy-to-read "extra large" text. Now you can experience the Bible with perfectly displayed Scripture that allows for easier reading anywhere from your morning commute on the bus to a late night study-group session. The XL's unique but classic design also gives you the added convenience of a Bible that is not only comfortable to hold but also easy to carry...and stylist, too.
From the Publisher
The NRSV has been grossly undermarketed and undersold. In our efforts to provide new and innovative editions of this beloved translation, we now introduce the XL edition. Targeting those who appreciate an easier–to–see setting, we have combined the latest trends in design with a larger print size. The NRSV XL offers beautiful and hip styling with a wonderful reading experience. No one will feel that they have been relegated to ugly and bulky larger print editions by purchasing an XL.
The New Revised Standard Version is the translation used by mainline Protestant churches, Orthodox churches, and by many Catholics. The New Revised Standard Version is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the "standard" version for English–speaking people across all denominations, which in many ways it has become. None of the new, more sectarian translations have approached its standards of elegance and accuracy.
Overall, this special easy–to–read large print setting makes the Bible a wonderful reading experience. It also includes a concordance index to help people find key passages.
This special Catholic edition includes all 73 books of the Catholic canon.
Item Specifications...
Pages 1824
Dimensions: Length: 8.8" Width: 7.6" Height: 1.4" Weight: 2.45 lbs.
Release Date Sep 1, 2024
ISBN 0061255777 EAN 9780061255779 UPC 000000904608
Point/Type Size: 0 Version: NRSV
Availability 14 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 07:20.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | NRSV Catholic Bible Apr 23, 2010 |
The Bible was wonderful it was for an older person having trouble seeing their older Bible. | |  | Wonderful Holy Bible Mar 13, 2010 |
I want to tell anyone who is thinking of buying this Holy Bible WONDERFUL that right its not only sits nicely on your lap but read very well it has a wonderful feel to the cover and has a very nice ribbon to mark you page. this site was very fast in sending this to my home came in just days! This lovely Bible will stay with you because how nice it reads and feels on the lap a wonderful book of God. | |  | easy to hold and read Jan 30, 2010 |
This is a really nice size for holding in my lap, and the print is easy to read. I find myself reading the bible a lot more with this copy. | |  | A spledid presentation Apr 18, 2009 |
This presentation of the Bible is a joy to work and pray with. The translation of the NRSV is magnificent. The quality of the book from the cover to the paper the text is written on is outstanding. A noble and splendid presentation of the Word of God! | |  | The Last Catholic Bible You'll Ever Need! Sep 30, 2008 |
I have numerous Bibles--both Catholic & Protestant-- in several translations. What is wonderful about this one is the format-8 x 8. and the XL sign font. It is a pleasure to read and hold in your hands. What a beautiful version of a Bible! Buy your copy now! You will not be disappointed. Discover the joy and comfort of reading the Bible in an easy to understand translation, too. | | Write your own review about NRSV Catholic Large Print Bible-HC