Spectrum Word Study And Phonics 6 [Paperback]
Our Price |
$ 13.91
Item Number |
6158890 |
OverviewReinforce your child's sixth-grade skills with Spectrum Word Study and Phonics. With the progressive lessons in this workbook, your child will strengthen language skillsin digraphs and diphthongs, multiple-meaning words, and Greek and Latin roots. The Spectrum(R) Phonics series provides your child with skill-building exercises that focus on phonics, structural analysis, and dictionary skills. Phonics for grades K-2 guides students progressively through letter sounds, blends, and pairs and how they combine to form words. Word Study and Phonics for grades 3-6 includes lessons in decoding as well as vocabulary comprehension, spelling, word relationships, figurative language, and even foreign words. Unique exercises will keep your child engaged while on the path to a fuller understanding of the way words work.
Pages 168
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.7" Width: 8.3" Height: 0.4" Weight: 0.9 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Age 11-12
EAN 9781483811871 UPC 044222239824
Availability 16 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 10:51.
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