Spectrum Word Study And Phonics 4 [Paperback]
Our Price |
$ 13.91
Item Number |
6158888 |
OverviewReinforce your child's fourth-grade skills with Spectrum Word Study and Phonics. With the progressive lessons in this workbook, your child will strengthen language skills in digraphs and diphthongs, synonyms and antonyms, idioms, and dictionary skills. The Spectrum(R) Phonics series provides your child with skill-building exercises that focus on phonics, structural analysis, and dictionary skills. Phonics for grades K-2 guides students progressively through letter sounds, blends, and pairs and how they combine to form words. Word Study and Phonics for grades 3-6 includes lessons in decoding as well as vocabulary comprehension, spelling, word relationships, figurative language, and even foreign words. Unique exercises will keep your child engaged while on the path to a fuller understanding of the way words work.
Pages 176
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.7" Width: 8.2" Height: 0.4" Weight: 0.9 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Age 8-12
EAN 9781483811857 UPC 044222239800
Availability 15 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 09:05.
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