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Item Description...
This widely acclaimed text unfolds the principles of responsible interpretation to provide a better understanding of both the meaning of the Bible at the time it was written, and for us today. Using easily accessible language rather than technical jargon, it explains the differences among the various biblical literary genres such as Old Testament narratives, Law, the Epistles, Gospels, Parables, Psalms, Prophecy, etc., and helps readers grasp the rich literary dimensions of the Bible. Prized as a guidebook for helping readers understand the factors that can make all the difference in enjoying and appreciating the Bible, this book has been used around the world via many translations to help turn potential readers into actual readers, and puzzled readers into more confident readers of God's Word. By explaining simply and clearly the rules for accurate, respectful reading of the various parts of the Bible, the authors give the reader insights that will ever after help bring the Bible alive and allow its message to be heard.
Item Specifications...
Pages 288
Dimensions: Length: 7.9" Width: 5.3" Height: 0.8" Weight: 0.685 lbs.
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
ISBN 0310246040 EAN 9780310246046 UPC 025986246044
Availability 290 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 08:48.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | It's okay ... Mar 21, 2007 |
This is a fairly good book. Fee & Stuart set forth some excellent concepts for studying the Bible. But you have to wade through their prejudices to find the concepts. As pointed out by a former reviewer, they really push the TNIV and NIV translations of the Bible. It's a fine translation, and I use the NIV as a tool for studying, but Fee & Stuart's book begins to read like an NIV commercial ... which gets very old - quick. This does not come as much of a surprise since Gordon Fee (according to Wikipedia) was a "member of the editorial board" for the NIV. So, it's my guess that he pushes the NIV for reasons other than scholarly ones.
All in all I would recommend the book for its fine insights as long you keep in mind the prejudices that they push. | |  | Not so Much... Mar 13, 2007 |
I heard so much about this book online and heard it was the best.
Though this book is "good" there is a better one: Living by the Book by Howard Hendricks.
Gordon D. Fee's book is somewhat loose on his study - though concepts are "good" he encourages people to honestly study the bible using the TNIV (Today's New International Version) which is a "gender neutral" bible - where it says "man" it is , for the most part, changed to male and female. When clearly since Genesis God said He created Male and Female and called them "Man". The TNIV is not a horrible bible translation thought, it just is not what I would base my study on. IF I am doing to do some serious bible study - I want the closest translation to the original language I can get my hands on and that is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the NASB (New American Standard) I am sure any scholar would agree.
Moreover, Gordon seems to be somewhat "loose" on his theology as well, asking questions and leading you in a way that is not "exactly" biblically accurate. Though there are "Good" concepts in this book - that is really all it is used for, the concept part and not the "data" part.
Overall, I'd say pick up Howard Hendricks Book "Living by the Book" first then you might want to buy this. | |  | Hands Down The Best Book Ever Writen On The Subject Feb 6, 2007 |
By far the very best book I have ever read about the crucial subject on how to interpret the Bible for all it's word. This book is worth its wight in gold! It is very much on the ball on top of it and it even defends itself from the hypocrisy of the intellectuals that say there is no God. Once you put your mind to it and practice all the exercises given you will know exactly what the Bible or Mighty God is saying, why, to who, but most important, how it applies to you! If you are seriously considering, truly knowing, how to read the Scriptures for your self, PLEASE purchase this book, and you, like I will not be able to put it down! | |  | Great book Jan 31, 2007 |
This book was easy to read and extremely helpful. If you want to have more meaningful bible study this book will help. | |  | The basics of exegesis Jan 18, 2007 |
This book should be in every theologian's (from novice to expert) library. The helpful reminders of how to do good exegesis will have lasting effects on the reader and their uses of biblical texts.
Fee and Stuart have set the standard for basic books on biblical exegesis. Their emphasis to get to original meaning is key and should always be remembered in biblical studies. Yes, there might be more than original meaning (i.e. second narratives) but remembering those original meanings will help all readers to do go good exegesis with respect toward the biblical texts.
This book also provides a basic survey of the biblical texts and their genres. These are helpful to remind the readers what the different books of the Bible are in relation to writing styles.
Everyone who reads this book will remember the value of sound exegesis and proper respect toward the biblical texts.
All entry level theologians have to read it, but the "expert" theologians should also have it on their shelf as a good reminder of the basic steps toward understanding biblical texts. | | Write your own review about How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth (3rd Edit)