Bible Tabs-Majestic-Lavender
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423905 |
OverviewBible Tabs designed for the active disciple and study enthusiast. Fun, styled tabs with lavender floral design and complementing foil edges are printed on both sides and are designed for Bibles from 6" tall to 11". 72 foil-edged tabs; pre-cut and self-adhesive; permanent. Also includes tabs for marking concordance, note sections, and your own Life Verse.
Publishers DescriptionLavender foil edge mark your pages with style. Majestic Bible Tabs make learning easy and enhance your study time. Tabs are precut, self-adhesive, permanent and are printed on both sides. Quick and easy instructions and placement guide are included.
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 0.54" Width: 0.32" Height: 0.11" Weight: 0.05 lbs.
Release Date Feb 13, 2024
ISBN 1934770825 EAN 9781934770825
Availability 129 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 28, 2024 10:20.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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