Bible Tab-Majestic-Rose Nouveau
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$ 3.99
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$ 4.99 |
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90565 |
OverviewPerfect for those carry their Bible with a sense of style. Rose Nouveau Floral background pattern with pink edges are a visually pleasing way to find favorite Scriptures. 84 pink foil-edged tabs for Bible from 7 inches up to 12 inches. Set includes: Old and New Testament tabs, special notation tabs and a Life Verse tab.
Tabs are printed on both sides, come with a quick & easy placement guide and are placed in a compact 3.25" x 6.25" package that can either hang on a hook or stand on a counter.
Publishers DescriptionMajestic Rose Nouveau Bible Tabs SetPerfect for those carry their Bible with a sense of style. Rose Nouveau Floral background pattern with pink edges are a visually pleasing way to find favorite Scriptures. 72 pink foil-edged tabs for Bible from 7 inches up to 12 inches. Set includes: Old and New Testament tabs, special notation tabs and a Life Verse tab.Tabs are printed on both sides, come with a quick & easy placement guide and are placed in a compact 3.25" x 6.25" package that can either hang on a hook or stand on a counter.
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 6.3" Width: 3.4" Height: 0.01" Weight: 0.05 lbs.
Release Date Jul 10, 2024
Publisher FaithWorks/Send The Light
ISBN 1934770981 EAN 9781934770986
Availability 245 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 27, 2024 08:58.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Product May 17, 2010 |
I originally ordered these tabs in Violet and when I received them they were better than I expected. They come with a chart to accurately place them throughout your bible, also they have extra tabs for notes, special features, the Concord, Maps, etc. They were very easy to read because they come in Large Print for those that cannot see as well. They were such a hit at my church that I have ordered several more sets in various colors for some of the members. They all love them as much as I do! In addition, the price is VERY reasonable, in some cases, half the cost than the ones that you find in the Christian book stores. Also, I have not seen any in the stores that come in so many colors. The best thing about them is that when placing them the tabs can be readjusted easily without tearing of the fragile pages of any bible,yet they still stay once applied. |
 | Tab-ulous! Mar 15, 2010 |
 | Lovely and practical Dec 31, 2009 |
Makes verse searching so much easier with my lovely pink bible tabs. Great for study and church. I love them! |
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