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Item Description...
Product Description Teen Devotional Bible G3 A Bible for a generation of the third millennium! How do I know what is right or wrong? Should I be with those friends? Why do I have to go to church? What about sex? Teen Devotional Bible G3 from the New International Version will show you God from a fresh perspective for a generation of the third millennium. This bible is full fun and clear ideas to help you grow. The Bible G3 has been written with the third generation in mind and in their hearts. More than 20 Hispanic youth leaders have gather to write about themes that concern your generation. This bible will wake up interest by articles written by Lucas Leys, Dante Gebel, Jeffrey De León, Junior Zapata, Emmanuel Espinosa, Julissa, Victor Cárdenas, Funky, German Ortiz, Edgar Lira, Elvira Garza and much more...
Item Specifications...
Pages 1596
Dimensions: Length: 8.4" Width: 5.4" Height: 1.7" Weight: 2.2 lbs.
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
ISBN 082974228X EAN 9780829742282 UPC 639390742285
Bible Binding: Cloth Color: Multi-Colored Point/Type Size: 10 Version: SPNI
Availability 5 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 03:33.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
Product Categories
1 | Books > Special Features > Catálogo de libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > Adolescentes [423 similar products] |
2 | Books > Special Features > Catálogo de libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > General [7161 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Children's Books > Religions > Christianity > Bible > Reference & Interpretation [1194 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Formats > Spanish Language [265 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Nice but not quite what I expected Jun 19, 2006 |
I am really glad that there is finally a good youth-oriented Bible in Spanish. I had searched for a long time, and the only options were very "American" versions simply translated into Spanish. I was a little disappointed, though, in this particular Bible (the hardcover). It looked like it could be for either teen guys or girls, especially with the blue/black cover. The inside is oriented to teen girls, with its pink, orange, light blue and light green devotional pages, with cute little things all over. It's pretty hefty, too. While the devotionals/questions are really interesting, they are in small print and full page, a little laborious for the not-so-serious teen. (I had wanted to also use it for non-Christian teens who may not read the Bible, but would read the interesting devotionals and issues inside.) Overall, it's a great Bible, something that's been needed for a long time. I have since ordered the leather versions of the same Bible by the same company--a little more expensive but more oriented to both sexes. (available on this site) | | Write your own review about Biblia G3 NVI de crecimiento juvenil