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Item Description...
- A one-year study for those who are seeking insight into what the Bible says about leadership.
- 52 weeks of study notes focus on personal development, leadership skills, and relationships.
- 70 character profiles illustrate success and failure in the lives of Biblical leaders.
Item Specifications...
Pages 2080
Dimensions: Length: 9.2" Width: 6.3" Height: 2.1" Weight: 3.1 lbs.
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
ISBN 0310918936 EAN 9780310918936 UPC 025986918934
Bible Binding: Cloth Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 8 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes - Words of Jesus in Red! Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 19 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 06:56.
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 | Great study bible Nov 30, 1999 |
This is the King James Version of the NIV Study Bible--the notes are basically identical, just adapted to the KJV wording. The notes and references are plentiful--some may say there are too many! Nearly every verse of the Bible is covered with a comment or outline of some type. While this is a conservative study bible, sometimes other more liberal interpretations are listed along with the conservative position. Besides the copious and helpful notes, there is a subject index, concordance, and colored maps and a historical timeline. Interspersed throughout the entire Bible are pertinent maps, charts, outlines, etc. The KJV Study Bible also has brief word definitions or substitutions for outdated words listed in the center column, which is helpful if you prefer the KJV but stumble on some of the wording.
The binding and pages are typical Zondervan---cheap and not likely to hold up long. I have the large print edition; the print is wonderful to read, but of course makes this book HUGE and heavy--not a Bible to carry around.
All in all, this study bible will give you hours and hours of reading and study pleasure. | |  | very informative Nov 30, 1999 |
I find the Zondervan Study Bible to be very informative and have been able to find just about anything I would need. | |  | Best Study Bible on the market Nov 30, 1999 |
First of all, I love to study the Word of God. It is practically all I do in my free time as of late. To do that, I need a Study Bible that gives me extensive notes, maps, charts, tables, etc. that let me know just about everything I really need to know all in one book.
There is only one book that has stood up to my expectations and has given me all that I have wanted for the most part. It is the Zondervan KJV Study Bible. Not only is it the classic King James Version (in my opinion, the most accurate) but I get all that I want. The notes are rich in content and will satisfy anyone who likes to delve into Scripture. The tables and charts help explain major aspects of Scripture that are in best expressed in that format. At the beginning of the book, they even include a time line that presents the major Biblical events from Abraham to Christ.
This has got to be the ultimate of ultimate Study Bibles!! (For those of you who enjoy the NIV, there is also a Study Bible by Zondervan that gives you the exact same content that this Study Bible does.) | |  | A MUST READ Nov 30, 1999 |
This book will open your eyes to the truths that our society has been ignoring for much too long! An excellent guide for the post-modern thinker. Contains key concepts that will change your life, helping you too live happier and healthier! I believe that everyone needs to read this book, if only to open their eyes to see what our society has turned into instead of going through our daily routines, ignoring what other people have instilled in our brains, telling us how we should be living our lives. This is a very very important book and must be read as many people as possible. After you read this book you will begin to notice things happening in the world that you haven't noticed before. It will open your eyes to a new way of living, a better way of living. I recommend this book to all of you. | |  | Great Resource To Enhance Bible Sutdy Nov 30, 1999 |
The Thompson Chain Reference KJV has been my primary Bible since 1984. Based on a desire to dig deeper and get more perspective, I started to look for an additional Bible. The Zondervan KJV Study Bible has been a great choice. I went with the same translation to keep a continuity when cross-referencing. The Study Bible has great resources, specifically book introductons, center column reference, and study notes at the bottom of the page. In the near future, I am hoping to add a NASB (Life Application or possible Classic Reference) and an Amlified Bible to the library. This is not out of inadequacies with this Study Bible - just as glimpses into additional resources. Bottom-line: I would encourage looking into any Zondervan Study Bible, regardless of translation. The Zondervan site ( ) has also been a great tool when looking for a good fit for my Bible needs. | | Write your own review about KJV Study Bible (Revised)-HC