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When Friendships of Women debuted in 1987, it struck a chord in women worldwide. Now, women can learn how to nurture their friendshipos to new levels of intimacy and trust in their small group studies! Together participants can discover how to increase the power and reduce the pain in their closest, most meaningful relationships.
Item Specifications...
Pages 176
Dimensions: Length: 8.8" Width: 7" Height: 0.4" Weight: 0.6 lbs.
Release Date Jun 20, 2024
Publisher DAVID C. COOK #558
ISBN 078144456X EAN 9780781444569 UPC 000000877270
Availability 31 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 07:12.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Psychology biblical study poorly put together Dec 17, 2009 |
When our church did this study we were informed that this study wasn't a deep biblical study but it had interesting topics that most studies didn't touch on. I was deeply disappointed as this book was very shallow spiritually and it's not based upon the bible. This study is based upon the book that is based upon the bible which can get things mixed up when it comes to what Scripture truly says. You also need a concordance to work through this book as some of the references are incorrect. This book took a lot of time to do in a group setting. We did it for our Wed night services and found that the study went way longer than 1 hour time that we have for our church. This cut out all prayer time that the group had so it was hard to build relationships or hold one another up in prayer simply because we didn't have time to share what was going on. The layout that she has a group do for prayer is practically non-existent. While she does encourage 1 sentence prayers this can be a benefit and a huge downfall. For our group we really lost track of what was going on in other people's lives or what they needed prayer in because of the prayer layout as well as the time limit. This study had a lot of how would you feel if type questions or what did Ruth feel and basic observation type questions. I will add that none of these relationships in this book are recorded as friendships. Many times they are relatives and it's more or less a role of mentorship and how people believe the relationship to be. If you are looking for a biblical based study on friendship just look up the word Friend in the concordance or on blue letter bible and learn from those verses. There aren't tons of verses that use the word friend and you'd be surprised by what you learn. If you choose to do this study in a group make sure you have at least 2 hours as any less than that you will not get through the study with time to pray if that is important to you. Make sure you have a concordance as well because some of the Scriptures or references are incorrect. (I think there are 4 or 5 that you will need to use a concordance on.)
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