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Item Description...
Cruden's Complete Concordance has long been considered the most practical and usable Concordance on the market. This clear-type edition was developed with the average Bible reader and student in mind. The key words in bold face type, easily discernible, and references following have been set up in a type face scientifically analyzed as the most readable.
It is a great pleasure and privilege for the publishers to continue making this edition of Cruden's Complete Concordance available to God's people in this and succeeding generations. The additional helps included in this edition are also selected with the Bible student in mind, for they provide information nowhere else available in such concise and usable form.
May your use of this Concordance make your own study of the Bible and related subjects more meaningful and effective.
Item Specifications...
Pages 816
Dimensions: Length: 8.58" Width: 5.43" Height: 1.57" Weight: 1.815 lbs.
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
ISBN 0310229200 EAN 9780310229209 UPC 025986229207
Availability 16 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 06:11.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A Concordance for Dummies Jan 16, 2001 |
A Bible verse flits through your mind, but you can't remember it exactly, and you're not sure where to find it. You look in the Concordance in the back of your Bible. No help. Even the gigantic Strong's Concordance (which gives you a hernia to lift!) doesn't help because it's keyed only to the King James translation. Cruden's to the rescue! Look up a key word and you find the reference in 'most any translation. Example: you remember somewhere in Scripture the phrase, "God inhabits the praise of His people. So you look under "praise" and you find Psalm 22:3: "OH Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." OK, so you didn't recall it quite right. Now you know. Another example: you're curious what the Bible has to say about JOY. Wow! More than 2 columns of references on joy and joyful! A Bible study in itself. As a writer, I adore this book, but anyone who loves God's word and studying it will, too. | | Write your own review about Crudens Complete Concordance