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New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (4 Volume Set)
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36179 |
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Item Description...
Second only to Kittel in scope---a boon for busy pastors or students---the NIDNTT gives in-depth studies of important New Testament words. Entries are arranged in English word order for handy retrieval. All five indexes---including the Scripture index formerly available separately---are now collected in the fourth volume.
Item Specifications...
Pages 3505
Dimensions: Length: 10" Width: 7" Height: 6.5" Weight: 10.3 lbs.
Release Date Jul 4, 2024
ISBN 0310332389 EAN 9780310332381 UPC 025986332389
Availability 5 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 17, 2024 10:03.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Children's Books > Religions > Christianity > Bible > Reference & Interpretation [1194 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Study Guides, History & Reference > Gener [1077 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > New Testament [2831 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Concordances [1693 similar products] |
5 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > General [10297 similar products] |
6 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Language Studies [560 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great, but the abridged version is better, so is Spicq Jan 16, 2007 |
I hate to be the only one not giving this a 5 (but four means it's great). [NOTE: My rating was accidentally registered as a five] Others have already highlighted how great this is. In many respects, it is superior to Kittel's Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (10 volumes). I've owned my set since 1980, when it was three volumes (the current fourth volume is an index). I can't give it five stars because 1) organizing by English words is very difficult and annoying for those of us who can look it up in Greek word order, like all the other Greek resources (20 minutes learning the Greek alphabet is all it would take for someone who doesn't read Greek). 2) Like so many other works geared to both those who read Greek and those who don't, it uses transliteration in the articles. I think that's the ONLY thing I like better about Kittel's - no transliteration! 3) This is not cost-effective compared to the absolutely outstanding and inexpensive "abridged" version of this set (see more below).
I've used DNTT for years. I always come away from reading articles quite edified. It's a tremendous resource. It's so good I overlook it's organizational faults.
However, consider the following:
Zondervan quietly put out an abridged version of this. Nothing important is missing! See my review of the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology - Abridged Edition here on this site for more details. That is only $23, while this four volume set is $93. That uses the odd English based organizing system, the abridged is easier to use and all words are listed in Greek word order. They crammed the information into one volume by shrinking the type (still plenty big), moving to a double column format, and making the book taller and deeper than the original size. Read more about it at my review.
If you are considering this set, you may want to consider the abridged instead. When I've used the abridged, I never feel cheated because they kept all the relevant stuff! I have all the major theological dictionaries of the NT (TDNT, DNTT, Exegetical Dictionary of the NT, and Spicq's TNLT) and I use them routinely. I'm telling you that the Abridged version of this is not a kiddie version. It's the real thing. It's the best kept secret in scholarly resources for the NT! Don't feel like you're slighting yourself by getting the abridged, you're not. Now the abridged Kittel's, by contrast, is a different story. That was a serious abridgement and a serious compromise of the original. I sold that on eBay. I retain and use the original.
A great supplement to this set (or the abridged version) is Spicq's Theological Lexicon of the New Testament. See my review of that. It is far more theologically refreshing and insightful than either this set or TDNT (EDNT is the most bland, but it has its strengths).
May God bless you in your pursuit of a greater understanding of Holy Scripture. | |  | A Must! Oct 18, 2006 |
A must for any bible study. As Greek has been transliterated there is really no need to even know the original language. The articles are AMAZING!!! AMEN!!!
The transliteration of the Greek is the only draw-back to this work as personally I prefer the Greek terms and in the Greek word order.Allow me to explain why. I do not use the NIV, though I know it to be a trustworthy translation, thus I tend to come directly from the Greek text to this. Thus I usually find the term, I am searching, in the transliterated indexed 4th volume. So if this was in the Greek word order and untransliterated it would prove easier. But enough of my crying! It IS WORTHY TO BE PURCHASED!
I also supplement this set with 'Theological Lexicon of The New Testament' by Ceslas Spicq, which tends to develop words the NIDNNT and Kittle have omitted. The TLNT is in the Greek word order and untransliterated, so it may feel odd to some who are not yet aquainted with the Greek.
Without question purchase the NIDNNT prior to the TLNT by Spicq as you will gain far more use from it.
soli deo gloria | |  | very pleased Feb 21, 2006 |
We are very pleased with the service and product. There were a few glitches but were cleared up immediately. I am very happy with the service. Thank's to all involved | |  | Simply the best! Jul 11, 2004 |
This four volume set is an indispensable resource every pastor and serious Bible student. I purchased my set in 1989 and it sits on a prominent place in my theological library, just behind my desk. Thoroughly scholarly, yet evangelical, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology offers in-depth insight into key New Treatment words. Best of all, one need not have a working knowledge of either Greek or Hebrew to use this resource; yet, at the same time it offers those who have a working knowledge of the original tongues tremendous insight as well. There is enough in these volumes to irritate just about everyone who holds strict denominational beliefs. Neither Arminian, or Calvinistic, nor evangelical or charismatic, this dictionary gives the reader the best of evangelical scholarship. It has been fifteen years since I purchased by set, and I cannot imagine preparing sermons and Bible Studies without it. | |  | Very Good Dictionary Oct 15, 2003 |
The index volume is excelent. Has sections for : english words, greek, bible - verses from Bible, hebrew words, extrabiblical literature. The articles are clear, contains a lot of information, no homiletics, very well documented. Also, the dictionary includes articles on other themes. | | Write your own review about New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (4 Volume Set)