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Product Description An engagin discipleship tool designed to establish the foundations of Christian faith. Additional Information Have you done The Purple Book? From students and scholars to parents, kids, rock sta
Additional Information Have you done The Purple Book? From students and scholars to parents, kids, rock stars, and professional athletes, people all over the world are doing The Purple Book. Why? Because they're looking for a foundation that no storm in life will prevail against--and a heart that's shaped and guided by the knowledge of God's Word. The Purple Book is a twelve-part Bible study keyed to the TNIV and designed to help new believers and longtime followers of Jesus stand firm and grow strong in the Christian life. Take the challenge to build the foundation of your life on the Word of God. Do The Purple Book.
"I love The Purple Book. It continually helps reinforce the only foundation worth building upon-- a biblical one." --Peter Furler, newsboys
"The Purple Book has been instrumental in my growth as a effective tool in helping me build the life that God has intended for me." --Mark Brunell, Washington Redskins
Item Specifications...
Pages 128
Dimensions: Length: 8.3" Width: 5.4" Height: 0.4" Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Release Date Jun 16, 2024
ISBN 0310936004 EAN 9780310936008 UPC 025986936006
Availability 746 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 09:03.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | 10 Minutes, 54 Days, 9 Hours in your Bible Sep 5, 2009 |
Do you have ten minutes a day to study your Bible? Do you want to know what is really "in there"? Do you want to know why you believe what you believe about sin, the power of prayer, spiritual gifts, spiritual hunger, discipleship, evangelism, death and resurrection? At the end of this study, you will have spent nine quality hours in your Bible and have built a strong foundation for your faith.
I have enjoyed this study tremendously. Each lesson is broken down into a short paragraph summarizing the topic, about ten questions that involve looking things up in the Bible and then an application question. You are asked how you will apply this lesson to your daily life.
While this book is geared toward Protestant topics (water baptism, prosperity, Baptism in the Holy Spirit), I found it just as challenging as a Catholic.
A must-do study. Don't put it off. It's worth it for new and old believers alike. | |  | A Great Resource for Discipleship or a Church Membership Class! May 25, 2009 |
I remember first going through an early edition of this book about ten years ago as a young college student. Because I had been "in church" for most of my life I thought I would already know most of what was in it, but at the urging of a mentor I went through this resource with him and it really helped to orient me more toward a Biblical understanding of some issues and helped to solidify a "Biblical foundation".
Though called a book, in reality it is actually more of a workbook filled with questions and scripture references that force the reader to go and look up the answers for themselves in the Bible and then write them down. The aim is to get the reader into the text of the Bible for themselves, but guided and directed to passages that refer to some of the major themes of the scriptures.
Here is a breakdown of the chapters:
1. Sin & Salvation
2. Lordship & Obedience
3. Repentance & Baptism
4. The Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts
5. Spiritual Hunger & God's Word
6. Discipleship & Leadership
7. Spiritual Family & Church Life
8. Prayer & Worship
9. Faith & Hope
10. Biblical Prosperity & Generosity
11. Evangelism & World Missions
12. Resurrection & Judgement
The authors, Rice Broocks and Steve Murrell are both extremely fruitful and experienced pastors and the extent of their practical ministry experience shows from the usefulness of this resource.
My church uses this as content for our class preparing people for church membership. Both new Christian and those who have been in the church for years will likely get some benefit from this helpful resource! | |  | The Best Bible Study Book on the Market Dec 13, 2007 |
We use this book with all our members as a basis for foundational information for Christians. Our Youth use it also. It is the best we have found. | |  | Great study for new Christians Aug 9, 2007 |
We use this book with new Christians to help them become established in their faith. It is very simple yet is deep. I would recommend this book to anyone who is new in the faith and needs a good, solid, Biblical foundation. | | Write your own review about Purple Book