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A Woman of Prayer
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Item Description...
Product Description Most of us would acknowledge that we don't pray as much as we should. And we admire the great men and women who seem to have found the answer to fervent praying. But we too can find the answer by asking the right question. What must change for me to spend more time alone with God? A Woman of Prayer offers principles, practices, and portraits in prayer. A refreshingly practical and personal study for those in search of the God Who hears.
Item Specifications...
Pages 90
Dimensions: Length: 8.5" Width: 5.7" Height: 0.2" Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Release Date Jun 30, 2024
Publisher BOB JONES UNIV. PRESS #113
ISBN 1591666937 EAN 9781591666936 UPC 000000885801
Availability 8 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 01:20.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | still going through the book Oct 15, 2009 |
I bought this for a bible study I am doing with some girls at my church. Although I am only on chapter 6, I find that this is a good book for someone who wants to skim the surface of verses in the Bible that deal with prayer. If you don't already have a strong prayer life, it certainly helps to convict you. However, I would not recommend this book if you are wanting to do a very in depth study of the Word. I would recommend this book for new Christians who want to learn the importance of having a quiet time with God. | | Write your own review about A Woman of Prayer