1 & 2 Kings (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary V4) [Hardcover]
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OverviewThe Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series provides up-to-date, evangelical scholarship on the Old and New Testaments. Each volume is designed to equip pastors and Christian leaders with exegetical and theological knowledge to better understand and apply God's Word by presenting the message of each passage as well as an overview of other issues surrounding the text. The commentary series has been structured to help readers understand the meaning of Scripture, passage-by-passage, through the entire Bible.The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation, rendered faithfully into today's English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT's scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages—but even more powerful are stories of how people's lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That's why we call it "The Truth Made Clear."William Barnes (ThD, Harvard Divinity School) has worked extensively in the Historical books of the OT, published several commentaries and scholarly articles, and is a contributor to Biblica: The Bible Atlas. His interests include OT history and chronology as well as narrative and poetic structure and sequencing in the Hebrew Bible and the NT. He served as a member of the NLT Translation Team for 1-2 Kings.
Publishers DescriptionThe Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series provides up-to-date, evangelical scholarship on the Old and New Testaments. Each volume is designed to equip pastors and Christian leaders with exegetical and theological knowledge to better understand and apply God's Word by presenting the message of each passage as well as an overview of other issues surrounding the text. The commentary series has been structured to help readers understand the meaning of Scripture, passage-by-passage, through the entire Bible.The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation, rendered faithfully into today's English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT's scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages--but even more powerful are stories of how people's lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That's why we call it "The Truth Made Clear."William Barnes (ThD, Harvard Divinity School) has worked extensively in the Historical books of the OT, published several commentaries and scholarly articles, and is a contributor to Biblica: The Bible Atlas. His interests include OT history and chronology as well as narrative and poetic structure and sequencing in the Hebrew Bible and the NT. He served as a member of the NLT Translation Team for 1-2 Kings.
Pages 397
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.1" Width: 6.2" Height: 1.2" Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414322062 EAN 9781414322063
Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 12, 2024 09:35.
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