Item Description...
Product Description The CEV was published by the American Bible Society in response to an urgent need for a translation that would reach those many millions who are not reading the Bible. The goal was a serious translation-not a paraphrase-combining historical and scholarly accuracy with contemporary language that everyone can understand. Here is a Bible that speaks to all people, wherever they might be on their spiritual journey. It's easy to read yet allows for a deeper connection to God. Never before has there been a Bible that speaks so clearly to the heart and the mind of each reader.
RELIABLE-The CEV is an accurate translation of the biblical languages concerned primarily with the faithfulness to the meaning of the text. Over a period of ten years, more than one hundred individuals contributed toward the creation and crafting of the CEV. Key people within this group were translation consultants of the United Bible Societies, which is the most experienced Bible translation organization in the world. Each book underwent a series of thorough reviews before final approval was granted by the American Bible Society's board of trustees. It is this review process that ensures the reliability of the CEV.
READABLE-The CEV was crafted to be read aloud without stumbling, heard without misunderstanding, and listened to with enjoyment. While attention to choice of words and sentence length helps promote readability, the creators of the CEV also employed the following criteria:
- Is it easy to read aloud? - Is it easy to listen to? - Are the words and sentence structures familiar? - Does it capture and hold the reader's interest? - Are the thoughts easy to follow and understand?
Attention to these details has produced a text that is easy to read and understand without unnecessary jargon and ambiguity getting in the way.
RELEVANT-The CEV reveals the relevance of God's Word. Because the language is uncomplicated and contemporary, the reader is able to comprehend the true meaning of the Bible. The CEV is not merely an ancient text to be studied for its historical relevancy; it is the living, breathing Word of God that speaks to readers today.
Item Specifications...
Pages 1744
Dimensions: Length: 9.06" Width: 7.56" Height: 1.97" Weight: 3.85 lbs.
Release Date Oct 5, 2023
Publisher PENGUIN GROUP USA #711
ISBN 0399153861 EAN 9780399153860
Bible Binding: Cloth Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 12 Version: CEV Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 25 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 31, 2024 07:13.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | The Bible of all people Aug 25, 2009 |
It is finally a book that one can read and understand in their own language and it becomes a novel of understanding and "wow, I didn't know that!" I love this book and will cherish it always. You see God in ways that you have not ever seen or understood Him before. It is magnificent! | |  | Easy to Understand Mar 4, 2009 |
I have the NKJV of the Bible which is a little hard for me to understand but along with the Seek Find Bible it is so much easier for me to understand. I enjoy it very much. | |  | One of the worst bible translation Sep 20, 2008 |
CEV is probably one of the worst bible translation ever that i have come across with. In my collection i have almost all the english bible translation available today (in actual physical book). In just The book of Galatians alone :- It translated paul as saying "i swear" which is contrary to Christ teaching on swearing. It also translated "physical weakness" as sickness in the same book. It translated working miracles among you as "miracles in you" It translated "foolish galatians" as "Stupid galatians" which once again contradicts the teaching of Christ of not to call your brethen fools / stupid It translated "right hand of fellowship" or "acceptance of co-worker" as "handshake"
And that is just one book! Better modern translations are ESV and Holsman.
| |  | Great translation, easy to read Aug 30, 2008 |
I just bought this bible and I love how easy it is to read. I can read it to my child and she understands, the translation doesn't sound "dumbed down", yet it's still simplified. And not seem so bland as paraphrases usually are. I like the structure and how the books are set up with the lil outline in the beginning of each. And how the chapters are divided based on the subject the verses are about. I definately recommend this bible translation. The "Seek Find" book with this translation is very simplified as well, basics. And if you want to just read the Bible at home, it's perfect. | |  | Bible Clarity Aug 12, 2008 |
If you've struggled with understanding the bible, this translation will open up the meaning with such ease, it's wonderful. So easy to read, really! | | Write your own review about CEV Seek Find Bible/Large Print-HC