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A Father's Care (Bible Truths, Grd 1)
Our Price |
$ 49.50
Item Number |
74716 |
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Item Description...
Teach students to know the Bible through a thematic, chronological study of the Old and New Testaments. Guide them to trust God and to apply His principles in their everyday lives. The Teacher's Edition provides read-aloud Bible accounts and application stories. Grade 1.
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Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 01:13.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Bible Curriculum May 7, 2009 |
I used this with my 7 year old son this past year. It was very comprehensive and we both enjoyed it. You will also need the consumable workbook. We used [...] for the hymn studies. Not only do you learn basic Bible stories and doctrine, there are also modern-day stories that help to develop character. | | Write your own review about A Father's Care (Bible Truths, Grd 1)