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Item Description... The Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible, King James Version, is a complete English Bible text for cross-reference study to the original languages from which the Bible was translated. In addition, there are extensive exegetical footnotes explaining the most difficult passages of the Old and New Testaments.
Key Features New American Standard Bible 1977 Edition Introductions for each book of the Bible Footnotes on original languages, Bible history, Bible doctrines, and difficult passages Words of Christ in red Strong's numbers for key words Grammatical codes on key words in the New Testament Table of weights and measures AMG's Concordance of the Bible AMG's Annotated Strong's Hebrew & Greek dictionaries Wider margins than previous editions, now full 1" Revised digital color maps
Item Specifications...
Pages 2318
Dimensions: Length: 9.8" Width: 7.4" Height: 1.9" Weight: 3.6 lbs.
Release Date Mar 1, 2024
Publisher AMG PUBLISHERS #164
ISBN 0899577547 EAN 9780899577548
Bible Binding: Genuine Leather Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 9.10 Version: NAS Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 11 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 17, 2024 12:58.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Hebrew-Greek Study Bible Feb 15, 2008 |
This is one of the best Bibles you could get. Key words are underlined in the text, and you can see the original Hebrew/Greek with definition and all possible translations to better understanding the meaning of the word. Also, key passages are linked to show the continuity of the Bible. Highly recommended! | |  | I LOVE IT!! Oct 15, 2007 |
I have had the KJV version of the bible since 2004 and am really just now starting to appreciate it. I have used most study bibles and thought I had found my favorite in the Thompson Chain KJV. I still like this one for its ease of finding a scripture, but the key word study bible is the is quickly becoming the most valuable tool in my library. I liked this one so much that I just purchased it in the NIV version for more casual reading.
I have some really expensive and beautifully bound bibles. This bible is a far cry from Cambridge quality or even Kirkbride, however it is not the worse I have(that would be my Zondervan parallel). I really can't tell if the binding is sewed because when I open it, I see the little sections grouped together that suggest that maybe sections have been sewed, but it is possible that they glued the bible together in little sections. Regardless, I kind of naturally take care of my bibles and suggest buying a case because you will grow to love this bible. I'm not too big on commentary being on the page with text but it is usually not alot and can be easily ignored. Man's opinion always seeps in when you buy a study bible or really any bible. This bible will give you a nice insight on greek and hebrew and I advocate getting more than one version, as well as the dictionaries and word study books to go along with it! | |  | Great Product Aug 24, 2007 |
I received the book very quickly and it is a great value for the money | |  | The best Bible Aug 23, 2007 |
For those of you who like to find the true meaning of the scriptures will love this Bible. This is second copy I have purchased. (I bought one over ten years ago and flat wore it out). I don't care too much for the keys cause I believe that you can get multiple things out of one scripture so I don't care all that much for the keys. The Strongs Concordance in the back is awesome for referencing the meaning of the scriptures. A GREAT INVESTMENT! THE ONLY BIBLE YOU WILL NEED!! | |  | Great Bible! Aug 22, 2007 |
If you like a deeper study into the original words and their meanings then this my friend is the Bible for you. | | Write your own review about NAS Hebrew Greek Key Word Study-Burgundy Gen (New)