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Imitation Leather - Brown/Tan |
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OverviewThis personal size Bible includes Presentation Page, Book Intros, Profiles, Concordance, Dictionary, Reading Plan, Red Letter Publishers DescriptionToday's #1-selling study Bible, "The Life Application Study Bible, " is now available in four new personal size editions. "The Life Application Study Bible" includes nearly 10,000 notes and features designed to help the reader apply God's truth to everyday life. Personality profiles highlight over 100 important Bible characters. Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and timeline to help readers understand the message of each book. Also includes 200 thumbnail maps that highlight important Bible places and events, and 260 charts that help explain difficult concepts and relationships.
Pages 2400
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.7" Width: 6.1" Height: 2" Weight: 2.75 lbs.
Binding Leather, Imitation
Release Date Feb 20, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414324588 EAN 9781414324586 UPC 031809124581
Bible Binding: TuTone (Leatherlike) Color: Brown/Tan Point/Type Size: 7.70 Version: NIV Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 0 units.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Bible study has never been easier! Mar 17, 2010 |
The Life Application Study Bible is probably the best Bible I have ever purchased. I am almost convinced that there are as many expository helps as there are Scripture text. The various biographies are an additional bonus of information that the reader will truly enjoy. I just can't say enough how great this Bible is. | |  | Life Application Study Bible Feb 22, 2010 |
The Life Application Study Bible is a good study bible. But the text is to little to read. I should have ordered the big print. | |  | Great Feb 2, 2010 |
This was a gift for someone and she was delighted with this bible. She made it her daily bible from then on. | |  | Love this Bible! Nov 20, 2009 |
I've had many Bibles over the years (KJV, NIV, Women's Devotional), but this study Bible is great with all of it's footnotes. It really helps me understand the context of the verses and from where they originated. | |  | A wonderful personal sized Bible with all the trimmings Oct 11, 2009 |
I own the regular sized version of this same Bible, and we ordered the smaller one for my husband who wanted one he could carry around with him whenever he wanted. The regular sized one we have is hardcover, and kinda heavy, so this one is perfect for portability.
The cover is great! I was worried about the fact it's not real leather, worried it would be poor quality and not hold up well or feel right, but actually I like it better than leather. It's very nice looking, but also feels so great in your hands, and seems to get even softer and more supple with use. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the cover. The colors of the tu-tone are great, one a light shade caramel, the other a darker one.
I like this size a lot, and although much much smaller than the full size one, this personal Bible is still not extra tiny. It's certainly not large, for sure, but just a shade smaller than medium I'd say. It feels very comfortable to hold in your hands though, which is great, so it's certainly not too big in that sense. I was just a little surprised at the depth, it's still a good 2 inches thick, perhaps just over that. But there wasn't much they could do with all the stuff that's in here! All the charts, maps, notes, indexes etc. take up room! And it still is not cumbersome in my opinion.
The notes, index and things are super handy, and it's a nice way to further understand verses that you may feel need more explanation. Although, surprisingly, and off the top of my head I don't think it's just with this size, sometimes you'll come across a major verse or section that you're sure will have some further explanation down below, and it doesn't. So that's the only thing occasionally lacking. Also, once in a while the notes may seem a bit on the common sense side, but the notes that are useful more than make up for the few that seem so-so. Like, some notes are more thorough than others I guess, while some seem to only scratch the surface. But, some may like the reassuring common sense approach too. It is cool that the life application part really does in fact give examples most the time on how to apply each particular verse to real life. But I will say that it's paid for itself already as far as I'm concerned, for the times it HAS answered my additional questions after reading a particular scripture, and other times it's given me a hands-on kind of understanding that is inspirational. It's great!
My favorite part about these Bibles is the character descriptions it gives. In each book, each major character gets their own section of explanation, with bullet points identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and the lessons their lives can teach to us. LOVE those parts!!!!! Amazing how "human" the characters of the Bible really are, and these sections make it easy to look at them and relate. The characters are normal humans who just like all of us, ebb and flow in God's grace, as well as sin, confusion and doubt at times. Makes ya feel a little better! I also love the index, where you can look up a keyword and all the verses that have to do with that word or issue are listed. This is done extremely thoroughly, and really seems to do a great job at listing every verse that's related.
The only other thing I'd note here is that the words of Jesus are not in red. After years of only having the kind of Bible that does have them in red, I thought I'd be totally disappointed. But, funny enough the Holy Spirit must have taken care of that because I don't even notice it at all. When I'm reading, I'm just reading, and although the red lettering might be a little more nostalgic, it doesn't take away anything as you're going along. The full sized hardcover version of this Bible I have does have the red lettering.
And, as for the print - it is smaller to save space, but it actually is not too small. I was very worried, my husband has batman eyesight, and I have what I would consider "normal." But, I actually find myself reading this personal sized one way more often than our hardcover one of the same version, even though the hardcover has the normal sized print. The print in the personal sized is not for anyone who has eye issues and no reading glasses, but if you have normal eyesight like me or good reading glasses you should be fine. It is not microscopic.
Overall a HUGE asset to our home and life, makes it easier to just pick up the Bible and start reading quickly whenever you want to, without feeling like you're lugging out something big and heavy. This has to be one of the best Bibles out there. My only dream for something more, would be one just like this that could miraculously have room to include a side-by-side comparison of all the major translations! :) | | Write your own review about NIV Life Application Study/Personal Size-Brown/Tan
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