OverviewThe Abundant Life Bible offers readers insights about living the abundant life through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Topics such as joy, peace, dealing with life's tough issues, and more offer practical guidance for daily life. The Abundant Life Bible is value priced--perfect for gift giving.
Publishers DescriptionThe "Abundant Life Bible" offers readers insights about living the abundant life through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Topics such as joy, peace, dealing with life's tough issues, and more offer practical guidance for daily life. The "Abundant Life Bible" is value priced--perfect for gift giving.
Pages 272
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 7.3" Width: 5" Height: 0.7" Weight: 0.4 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414301758 EAN 9781414301754
Bible Binding: Paper, Flush Cut Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 8.50 Version: NLT2
Availability 311 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 11, 2024 09:19.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | The Perfect Gift Jan 13, 2009 |
If you want to give a gift this is the perfect one. We can always use the word of God. |
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