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OverviewThe versatility of this edition of The Daily Walk Bible is designed to meet your needs for church, small-group, or personal study. You can follow the one-year reading plan included in this Bible or find a variety of other reading plans online.
* Easy to understand, with introductions and charts showing the focus, divisions, topics, place, and time of each book.
* Real-life application in each daily reading, which includes an overview, an outline of the passage, a reflective reading, and thought-provoking insights to enrich your understanding of the reading.
* New Daily Walk "Pathways" available online to guide your study of individual books, biblical characters, and topical themes that connect God?s Word to your life today.
* Adaptable to your schedule. Whether you choose to start reading in January or July, you?re always on track. And if you miss a day, it?s all right-just take the next walk when you?re ready.
Publishers Description"The Daily Walk Bible" guides the reader through Scripture, study, and reflection each day, to read through the Bible in a year and help put its power to work in daily life. It includes overviews, charts, daily devotions, and insights to help the reader fully grasp the day's reading, which makes it unique among both daily reading and devotional Bibles.
Pages 1607
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.22" Width: 6.3" Height: 1.46" Weight: 2.22 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414316909 EAN 9781414316901
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Multi-Colored Point/Type Size: 10.00 Version: KJV
Availability 2 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 10, 2024 06:55.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Excellent help in reading the Bible Feb 26, 2010 |
I've known this book for several years and use it for myself daily. I bought a copy to give to a friend who is finding Bible reading difficult. I can hardly think of any improvements that would make this Daily Walk Bible any better |
 | BEST BIBLE I HAVE Jan 27, 2009 |
This is by far the best Bible I have, and I have about 25 different ones. It is so easy to read this Bible from beginning to end as it is marked out with a few chapters for each day of the year (only takes about 10 to 15 minutes each day and you can read the Bible from beginning to end in one year).
Also, for each day, it gives you a paragraph to summerize the chapters you are about to read for that day. It makes it so much more understandable. Then, each day has a "box" called the "The Daily Walk" which helps apply the chapters you read that day to your life or how they relate to everyday life.
Also included most every day is little FYI's to help you understand what is being said. Example: one little box explained that when the Isrealites had to make bricks for the Egyptians they needed straw to make the bricks. They said in the box that something in the straw decomposes and makes the bricks really strong. Some bricks that were made and used in Bible times are found today still in tact. (Something I wouldn't have known).
I highly recommend this Bible to anyone, even for kids. It helps you understand what you are reading, without really giving someone's own opinion. It's not really like a study Bible, the "extra's" are more like little summaries.
I'm going to order a few more to keep on hand. I would recommend the soft covered, it's light and easy to carry around. I believe that this book is the latest format. I also have the older formats of this book and I like this new one much better. All the information is presented in a much more organized fashion -- it really makes it so you can't wait to read the next day's reading!! It really makes you fall in love with the Word. |
 | Great help for daily Bible reading Oct 8, 2008 |
Excellent format! I like the personal applications. Daily portions of Scripture are well chosen. |
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