World's most popular KJV audio Bible read by the famous Alexander Scourby on sixty (60) high quality compact discs manufactured using state-of-the-art replicating equipment.
Packaged in zippered case for protection and storage.
PLUS FREE DVD The Indestructible Book. This dramatic story recounts in splendid detail the saga of Tyndale's heroic efforts to bring an English Bible to the English speaking people of the world. This is a story of courage and conviction that will stir your soul and give you a new appreciation for the Bible every time you read or hear it.
Publishers DescriptionOn Sixty (60) quality compact discs manufactured using state-of-the-art replicating equipment, this King James Version of the complete Bible is non-dramatized and narrated by world famous Alexander Scourby. It's packaged in a black padded zippered case PLUS a bonus DVD entitled, The Indestructible Book, which recounts the dramatic story about the origins of the King James Bible. You will see in splendid detail the saga of Williams Tyndale's struggle to publish the first English translation of the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek texts.
Pages 60
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.57" Width: 6.24" Height: 2.56" Weight: 3.2 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
ISBN 1930034652 EAN 9781930034655 UPC 9781930034655
Bible Binding: Compact Disc Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 0.00 Version: KJV
Availability 5 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 13, 2024 09:10.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Product Sep 2, 2008 |
KJV Complete Bible/Audio/Scourby I think this is a great way to hear the word of God. I believe that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God so I am giving 5 stars to this product. The only problem I can think of with it is Mr. Scourbys' voice is so soothing if you are not careful you can drift off to sleep. He puts just the right inflection in each word but it is not over dramitized.So far not only I am using this but also my husband and daughter. |
 | Excellent!!! Jul 19, 2008 |
I ordered this for my mom and she was very pleased. The quality of Alexander Scourby's rendering of the Bible is well known and this is no exception!!! |
 | Alexander Scourby Bible-KJV with DVD Aug 23, 2007 |
Great CD set for anyone who likes to escape the talk radio and wordly music while driving. |
 | bible on CD Aug 23, 2007 |
Alexander Scourby's experience as a Shakespearian actor shines through in this beautiful rendering of the bible. The tenor of his voice and perfect intonations makes it easy to imagine this is a character that has lived in the bible era and is simply recounting his experiences back then. |
Years ago I had the King James Bible on cassette, read by Alexander Scourby. It was getting really old and needing replaced. I had someone recommend another King James version audio Bible, so I ordered one. My husband and I were very disappointed, and agreed the other readers were not nearly as good as Alexander Scourby. So I ordered this one again, and was SO glad I did. I hadn't listened to my old audio Bible in a long time, since the cassettes were in such bad shape, and I had forgotten how very REAL and "authentic" Alexander Scourby reads. He makes the Bible really come alive...seems like he takes you back to those days he is reading about! I would highly recommend this audio will not be disappointed! |
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KJV with DVD & Case
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