Chart-Christ In The Passover Wall (Laminated) [Paperback]
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OverviewCelebrate your Jewish Roots
The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates and remembers God?s liberation of Israel from Egypt. It also foreshadow?s Christ?s sacrifice on the cross.
? Examine the biblical origin and symbolism of the Passover to better understand the comparison of Jesus with the Passover lamb
? Compare the Passover seder with the Lord?s Supper
? Includes a plan for a Christian seder meal
Wall chart is 19" x 26"
Pages 1
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 26" Width: 19.4" Height: 0.4" Weight: 0.63 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
Publisher ROSE PUBLISHING #629
ISBN 1596361883 EAN 9781596361881
Availability 2 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 09, 2024 07:37.
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