Chart-Bible Bookcase Wall (Laminated)
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24748 |
OverviewBible Bookcase
This new Bible Bookcase is an old favorite for Sunday school classrooms. The bright colorful wall chart shows all 66 of the books of the Bible in their categories (Books of the Law, History, Poetry, the Major and Minor Prophets, the Gospels, Epistles, etc.) Color coding helps students identify the books. Excellent for memorizing the books of the Bible. Reproducible worksheets on the back include a miniature of the chart in English and Spanish versions, both blank and filled in. Chart also available laminated. Wall chart size: 19.5" x 26".
Pages 1
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 25.9" Width: 20.2" Height: 0.1" Weight: 0.63 lbs.
Release Date Aug 8, 2024
Publisher ROSE PUBLISHING #629
ISBN 1890947245 EAN 9781890947248
Availability 0 units.
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