Book Of Bible Charts Maps & Time Lines
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OverviewNew! Best All-in-One Bible Chart Book. Nominated for the Christian Book Award 2006.
Now you can have 180 pages of full-color Bible charts, maps, and time lines in one spiral bound book. The copyright allows you to photocopy up to 300 copies of each one for classroom use.
Publishers DescriptionThe bestselling "Rose Book Of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines" was the 2007 #1 Bible Reference book sold in Christian bookstores Spiral bound for ease of use, this is a must-have for every pastor and teacher. It offers 180 pages of full-color Bible charts, maps, and time lines --all reproducible. A $250 value when items are purchased separately. "Book measures 11.25" x 9.5" x 1." Special hard cover hides spiral binding. Looks great on a bookshelf and opens flat for ease of use and for photocopying. Copies are limited to 300 per original document, in one church only." "Rose Book Of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines" is an outstanding study, teaching and pastor reference resource for understanding biblical dates, geography, events, and much more. Compare Bible times and now at a single glance. Look inside the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple. Compare religions. There are literally thousands of facts to enrich one's Bible study, understanding, and teaching. Here is a sampling of the content found in this bestselling book: Full-color Bible Charts Overviews of the Old and New Testaments The Creation Maps that compare Bible and modern times The Holy Land: The Middle East; Where Jesus Walked Paul's Journeys Detailed illustrations of the Tabernacle, Temple and High Priest The Tabernacle Palm Sunday to Easter Biblical and historical Time Lines Christian History Timeline Bible Time Line How We Got the Bible Christianity, Cults & Religions Denominations Comparison Islam & Christianity
Community DescriptionRose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, Time Lines
New! Best All-in-One Bible Chart Book. Nominated for the Christian Book Award 2006.
This book contains dozens of the Rose Publishing charts as well as new charts unavailable in the product line.
Table of Contents
General Bible Charts
* 100 Well-Known People in the Bible
* 100 Well-Known Prayers in the Bible
* Table of Biblical Weights and Measures
* Books of the Bible
* Bible Overview--Old Testament
* Bible Overview--New Testament
* How We Got the Bible
* Christian History Time.Line
Old Testament Charts
* The Creation
* 100 Well-Known Old Testament Events
* Family Tree of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
* Names of God
* Jesus & The Names of God
* The Ten Commandments and You
* Feasts & Holidays of the Bible
* The Cycle Pattern in Judges
* Kings and Prophets
* Kings
* Prophets
* The Statue in the Book of Daniel
* Archaeology & the Bible--Old Testament
New Testament Charts
* The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
* 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
* Events in the Life of Jesus
* Miracles of Jesus
* Parables of Jesus
* The Beatitudes
* The Twelve Disciples
* Evidence for the Resurrection
* Biblical Descriptions of Heaven & Hell
* 100 Well-Known Events from Acts to Revelation
* 1 Corinthians 13
* The Armor of God
* The Fruit of the Spirit
* Acts of the Sinful Nature
* Seven Churches of Revelation
* Four Views of the End-Times
* Archaeology & the Bible--New Testament
* Middle East: The (BC) and Now
* Middle East: Expansion by Assyrian Rulers
* Middle East: Babylonian and Persian Empires
* Middle East: Fascination Facts and Figures
* Middle East and Central Asia
* The Holy Land: Then and Now
* The Holy Land: The Exodus
* Exodus Time Line
* The Holy Land: United Kingdom
* The Holy Land: Divided Kingdom
* Where Jesus Walked: Then and Now
* Paul's Journey's: Then and Now
* Paul's First Journey
* Paul's Second and Third Journeys
* Paul's Journeys and Guide
Illustrations and Diagrams
* Noah's Ark
* The Tabernacle
* The Ark of the Covenant
* Solomon's Temple
* Herod's Temple
* Palm Sunday to Easter
Christianity, Cults & Religions
* The Trinity
* Denominations Comparison
* Christianity, Cults & Religions
* Islam & Christianity
Perfect for Sunday school teachers, pastor appreciation, students, and personal Bible study.
Please Note, Community Descriptions and notes are submitted by our shoppers, and are not guaranteed for accuracy.
Pages 192
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.22" Width: 9.34" Height: 0.93" Weight: 2.2 lbs.
Binding Spiral Bound
Release Date Mar 13, 2024
Publisher ROSE PUBLISHING #629
ISBN 1596360224 EAN 9781596360228
Availability 90 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 12, 2024 08:57.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Good book, but cover was torn Nov 11, 2008 |
I love this book. Very useful book. However, when I received the book, I notice the cover was torn. |
 | Great Bible Study and resource tool Nov 6, 2008 |
Beautifully illustrated, colorful and detailed. It's been a great help in studying the Word. Time lines, maps, charts, pictures and more. We love it. I would reccommend it to everyone. |
 | Supurb Oct 4, 2008 |
An Excellent resource. Contains an huge amount of information. Good buy. Fast shipping. |
 | Great help for Bible studies Sep 30, 2008 |
Easy way to find information and transport yourself to the different Bible times. It explains and shows how objetcs looked like etc.. |
 | Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines IS GREAT Sep 4, 2008 |
A wonderful book to own. Lots of great biblical information. Lots of colorful pictures, very organized book. |
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