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Commentary-Romans: Verse-By-Verse
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$ 17.93
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$ 22.99 |
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$ 5.06 (22%) |
Item Number |
20667 |
Item Description... "The only hope of Christianity is in the rehabilitating of the Pauline theology. It is back, back, back, to an incarnate Christ and the atoning blood, or it is on, on, on to atheism and despair," wrote Francis L. Patton, former president of Princeton University . Those prophetic words aptly introduce William R. Newell's classic commentary on the Epistle to the Romans and underscore the church's continuing need to study and teach the book of Romans.
Includes helpful comments on both the Greek and English texts Precise and ample footnotes provide valuable discussions on the historical and critical context of individual passages.
Item Specifications...
Pages 592
Dimensions: Length: 7.9" Width: 5.3" Height: 1.3" Weight: 1.35 lbs.
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
Publisher Kregel Publications
ISBN 0825433398 EAN 9780825433399
Availability 0 units.
Product Categories 1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Bible & Other Sacred Texts > Bible > New Testament [2808 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > General [976 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Study Guides, History & Reference > Gener [1077 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > New Testament [2831 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Best book I ever read on the subjects of Grace and Salvation Jul 25, 2005 |
I lead a ladies Bible Study. In teaching Romans I found this book the absolute best reference to use. It is clear, thorough, and a wonderful book to explain the gems visible and not so visible throughout the book of Romans. I am so thankful I got it. It would be in my list of top 5 Bible books to take to a desert island. I could read through it once a year and never get tired of it. | |  | The best commentary on Romans ever written Jun 18, 2005 |
I am a huge fan of this commentary which dates from around the 1930s (I think). William Newell was one of the greatets Bible teachers of his day. A friend and colleague of D.L. Moody and R.A. Torrey, he taught thousands of people as a Bibke teacher in Moody's Bible college.
This book is the best commentary on Hebrew I have ever seen. I studies Romans at Masters level and over 18 months I used nearly every commentary on Romans ever written in the English language. This is simply the best of the lot. It is excellent for three reasons: 1) It is very easy to understand despite being very in depth. 2) It accurately teaches the word. You can rely on it to explain the deeper truths of Romans 3) It does not avoid the difficult passages but tackles them head on. | | Write your own review about Commentary-Romans: Verse-By-Verse