OverviewTotally revised and updated, the Student's Life Application Bible is a Bible designed for teens who desire to deepen their relationship with God. The notes have been updated to ensure the content, language, and look resonate with today's teenagers. The cover and sales price will grab the attention of teen customers. All notes and features are written by youth experts. FEATURES: Life Application notes turn Bible passages into practical lessons Choices notes explore moral decisions in everyday situations I Wonder notes discuss common questions about the Christian life Ultimate Issues notes offer solid advice on contemporary issues Keeping It Real notes give first-person stories from real teens Book Introductions Personality Profiles Maps and Charts
Publishers DescriptionTotally revised and updated, the
Students Life Application Bible is a Bible designed for teens who desire to deepen their relationship with God. The notes have been updated to ensure the content, language, and look resonate with todays teenagers. The cover and sales price will grab the attention of teen customers. All notes and features are written by youth experts.
- Life Application notes turn Bible passages into practical lessons
- Choices notes explore moral decisions in everyday situations
- I Wonder notes discuss common questions about the Christian life
- Ultimate Issues notes offer solid advice on contemporary issues
- Keeping It Real notes give first-person stories from real teens
- Book Introductions
- Personality Profiles
- Maps and Charts
Pages 1424
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.5" Width: 6.91" Height: 1.72" Weight: 2.87 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Feb 23, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414306059 EAN 9781414306056
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Orange Point/Type Size: 9.00 Version: NLT2
Availability 0 units.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | exellent Bible Jan 15, 2009 |
I am a thirty year old women but I love this Bible and translation! It really helped me to understand the Bible and mature in my relationship with Christ through studying His word. I got saved five years ago and the KJV was taking me so long to understand so this translation and helps really made a difference and was easily understood and applied. I highly reccomend this one to any age especially new converts. |
 | Amazing Jun 16, 2005 |
I just began reading this, but so far it has been extremely helpful. There are submitted stories from students explaining situations they've been in and how they've applied that certain verse to their life. I've found a few and said wow! thats exactly how I felt and just what I needed to read. I've just recently got back into my relationship with Christ, and in the index of this book it offers exercises for people just accecpting Christ as their Savior, and also helpful tips for people who have a friend who just began their relationship. I'm eighteen and I would say this is a must read for anyone interested in renewing or beginning a relationship with Christ. |
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