What if you could capture the knowledge of the most eminent Biblical scholars, draw on some of the best biblical maps, timelines, and other study helps, and have them with you wherever you go? Chances are that you would often have to sacrifice readability to do it. Not any more. The NKJV Personal Size Giant Print Bible has the best of both worlds with a highly portable size and giant print that makes comfortable reading easier than ever. One of today's best-loved Bible translations, the NKJV combines a warm conversational tone that makes it perfect for individual study with the serious scholarship that will help you take your Bible study to a whole new level.
*Presentation page
*10-point text
*Double-column format
*Bible book Introductions
*Words of Christ in Red
*Read-Along References and Read-Along Translations
*Translation and textual notes
*8 Full-color maps
*5.75" x 8.5" x 1.5"
*Hardcover Burgundy
*Stars marking messianic prophecies
*Enhanced with Bible study time with end of verse references and translation notes
Publishers Description
Enhance your time reading and exploring God's Word. Experience a whole new level of visual comfort and biblical study with Thomas Nelson's "NKJV Personal Size Giant Print End-of-Verse Reference Bible." This Bible is filled with references and study aids to strengthen your Bible reading. Plus, it features giant print type, making reading more enjoyable than ever. Ideal for individual study, teaching, and ministry work, this trusted edition of the Holy Bible will enhance your time exploring the beauty and meaning of God's Word.
Features include:
- End-of-verse references and translation notes
- Family record section
- Bible book introductions
- Stars marking messianic prophecies
- Words of Jesus in red
- Concordance
- Full-color maps
- 2 ribbon markers
- Type size: 11
Part of the CLASSIC SERIES line of Thomas Nelson Bibles
"Personal Size Giant Print End-of-Verse Reference Bibles" sold to date: More than 3.5 million
The New King James Version--More than 60 million copies sold in 30 years
Thomas Nelson Bibles is giving back through the God's Word in Action program. Donating a portion of profits to World Vision, we are helping to eradicate poverty and preventable deaths among children. Learn more and discover what you can do at www.seegodswordinaction.com.
Pages 1426
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.63" Width: 5.69" Height: 1.27" Weight: 1.85 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Mar 7, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0718015592 EAN 9780718015596
Bible Binding: Hardcover w/Jacket Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 11.00 Version: NKJV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 96 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 25, 2024 02:00.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Atlanta, GA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Very good Mar 9, 2007 |
I'm glad to have purchased this Bible. The New King James version is excellent and the book's quality as well. I recomnmed.
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