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OverviewThe Word of Promise? The Easter Story is a 2-CD set that allows the listener to experience the sacrifice and triumph of our Savior. It includes a harmonized portrayal of the Gospel story with inspiring music. The music CD also contains portions of the Word of Promise? original musical score composed by Maestro Stefano Mainetti. <BR>The cast includes:<BR>Jim Caviezel - Jesus <BR>Louis Gossett, Jr. - John <BR>John Heard - Matthew <BR>Chris McDonald - Luke <BR>Lou Diamond Phillips - Mark Publishers DescriptionThe Word of Promise(TM) The Easter Story is a 2-CD set that allows the listener to experience the sacrifice and triumph of our Savior. It includes a harmonized portrayal of the Gospel story with an inspiring music bed. The music CD also contains portions of the Word of Promise(TM) original musical score composed by Maestro Stefano Mainetti. The cast includes Jim Caviezel - Jesus Louis Gossett, Jr. - John John Heard - Matthew Chris McDonald - Luke Lou Diamond Phillips - Mark
Community Description
This two-CD set will include excerpts from Word of Promise, especially relating to Easter, as well as beautiful music included by renowned composer Stefano Mainetti. The second CD will include selected songs from Sandi Patti.
Please Note, Community Descriptions and notes are submitted by our shoppers, and are not guaranteed for accuracy.
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 5.82" Width: 5.99" Height: 0.51" Weight: 0.25 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0718024427 EAN 9780718024420
Bible Binding: Compact Disc Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 0.00 Version: NKJV
Availability 4 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 11:03.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Atlanta, GA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Easter Devotional Mar 31, 2010 |
The Word of Promise Easter Story is a great devotional to use during Easter or Passover. I highly recommend it for bible studies, fellowship group meetings, or church events. You'll love it.... | |  | Word of Promise - True to Form Feb 26, 2009 |
THE WORD OF PROMISE - EASTER STORY Listening to this CD brings rewarding and encouraging inspiration in personal and spiritual growth from God's Word. It reminds me of the movie "The Passion of the Christ". The dramatized Easter Story blends the scriptures of the four Gospels into a wonderful book. This truly gives us the meaning of the "Good News" and brings to light the forgiveness and mercy given through Jesus Christ. The background sounds, character voices and the original music of Stefano Mainetti put you in the seat to experience fully what this CD has to offer.
The following are the NKJV verses used on this CD by track: Track 01 - Matthew 20v17-19, Matthew 21v1-9, Luke 19v39-44, Mark 11v11-24. Track 02 - Luke 20v1-19, Matthew 22v1-14. Track 03 - Mark 12v13-34, Matthew 22v41-46. Track 04 - Matthew 23v1-39. Track 05 - Mark 13v1-37. Track 06 - Matthew 24v45-51, Matthew 25v1-46. Track 07 - Luke 22v1-38. Track 08 - John 14v1-18, Matthew 26v36-56. Track 09 - John 18v12-27. Track 10 - Luke 22v63-71, John 18v28-38, Matthew 27v15-37. Track 11 - John 19v25-27, Matthew 27v38-43, Luke 23v39-43, Matthew 27v45-46, John 19v28-30, Matthew 27v51-56, John 19v31-37. Track 12 - Mark 15v42-47, Matthew 27v62-66, John 20v1-18. Track 13 - Luke 24v13-35, John 20v19-29, John 21v1-23, Matthew 28v16-20, Mark 16v19-20.
Other Word of Promise dramatized products owned and recommended are: Word of Promise from Jesus: Dramatic Passages from the Bible, The Christmas Story, The Gift of Psalms and New Testament Audio Bible (adult version). | | Write your own review about Audio CD-NKJV Word Of Promise-Easter Story
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