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Imitation Leather - Black (Large Print) |
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OverviewThe Giant Print Bible, Presentation Edition is the perfect choice for anyone who needs a value-priced Bible that's easy to read. Generously sized at 8 1/2 x 11", this edition's huge, 15.5-point red letter type is exceptionally clear and crisp even in subdued lighting.
Other features include:
Presentation Page
Two-column format
Words of Christ in red
Full color maps
How the Bible Came to Us
Daily Bible Readings
Life in Bible Times
Natural History of the Bible
Unfamiliar Words in the Bible
30 Page Dictionary/Concordance
Why Read The Bible
Antique Page Edges
Lay-Flat Binding
Black Imitation Leather
Publishers DescriptionIt's great to have plenty of choices when a Bible that's easy on the eyes and the wallet is called for. All three of these editions feature 15.5-point type that is exceptionally crisp even under subdued lighting conditions. The Presentation Editions flexible, soft imitation leather binding makes it easy to hold and carry.
The Deluxe Edition is a classic "preacher's Bible." Bound in buttery-soft genuine leather, it is the prefect gift for holding in one's hand while delivering a sermon or teaching from the Scriptures. This edition fits the bill as a special gift for the preacher, evangelist or Bible college graduate.
Pages 1392
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 1.25" Width: 8.75" Height: 11" Weight: 3.5 lbs.
Binding Leather, Imitation
Release Date Jan 1, 2024
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISBN 0834003503 EAN 9780834003507
Bible Binding: Imitation Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 15.50 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 42 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 12, 2024 09:33.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Best Bible for your Buck! Mar 26, 2007 |
I wanted a large print bible for my children and this one is perfect. I bought one for each (4) and we are all able to read along together. There are also page numbers which help when the younger ones have trouble locating a book or a chapter. There are no margins to write notes in, but they are very good for reading scripture and you cannot beat the price. |
 | Great work of fiction Mar 16, 2007 |
The Holy Bible ranks fifth among my favorite works of fiction behind "The Great Gatsby", "Moby Dick", "Hamlet", Hucklebery Finn", and my all time favorite, "Old Man in the Sea". God is a very interesting protagonist, very sadistic and barbaric at times and always judgmental. And he was always telling people what to do. Kind of like an annoying next door neighbor of mine.
And what a hypocrite! Thou shalt not kill? Ha! I lost count of how many people he had stoned to death, or drowned. But it was a very compelling read, hard to put down page turner. I'm just glad it's a work of fiction, or you'll have some lunatics take this work seriously and kill others in his name.
Highly Recommended. But a warning my gentle reader, it's scarier than Stephen King.
 | Superb Bible Value Sep 13, 2006 |
This KJV Bible was just as advertised. The print is nice and large. Although the cover is a little stiff at first, it loosens up very quickly. Several people have commented on the quality and size (it is a large bible)and I have ordered them repeatedly for gifts. Cannot imagine anyone being able to beat this value elsewhere. |
 | Large print is the way to go Aug 14, 2006 |
This Bible is a little larger than most, but has a beautiful soft leather cover and I don't even need my glasses to read it! |
 | Holy Bible Feb 26, 2006 |
I like the large text as well as the weight of the book. This is not a small book if you are concerned about weight. It is very nice. Jesus words are in red in this book. A friend of mine purchased one similar to the presentation edition offered here and the red text was not there and he was disappointed. I purchased this one for him as well. I give bibles as gifts to Christ believers and think that I will send this to many more people. |
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