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Item Description...
Book Description
Throughout the book of Ruth we are reminded that God can pick up the shambles of our lives and weave them together to make something beautiful. As for Esther, we are taught that sometimes we have to face life with courage-but God gives us the strength. With scripture passages, inspirational readings, questions to answer, space for journaling, and a prayer, it's like studying the Bible with Max Lucado.
Item Specifications...
Pages 128
Dimensions: Length: 8.9" Width: 5.9" Height: 0.5" Weight: 0.44 lbs.
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
Publisher NELSON BOOKS #75
ISBN 0849952468 EAN 9780849952463 UPC 020049052464
Availability 37 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 24, 2024 07:14.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
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Product Categories 1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Authors, A-Z > ( L ) > Lucado, Max > General [268 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Authors, A-Z > ( L ) > Lucado, Max > Paperback [139 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Study Guides, History & Reference > Gener [1077 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Old Testament > Study [3032 similar products] |
5 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Stories > New Testament [34 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A very good study Apr 14, 2000 |
I have all of the books in the Life Lessons series, and I also have the Inspirational Study Bible (NKJV). This study, as well as the rest in the series, is very well put together. What I especially love about this is that if you don't have your Bible with you, that's ok. The scripture portion is printed right there in the book. There are 2 columns of scripture for each portion of the study. One column is the NKJV (New King James Version) and the other is NCV (New Century Version). So, you have your choice to read between the 2 of those, or you can read both to see if one version emphasizes things differently. Its a very good idea. There is a question before you begin the lesson to make you ponder something that is related to the lesson which will be presented. Then, you read the portion, then answer questions. The back of the book has answers, or suggested answers, to some of the questions asked. This can be used for personal study, or can be used for group study. I highly recommend this book, and encourage you to get the others in the series as well. | |  | A very good study Apr 14, 2000 |
I have all of the books in the Life Lessons series, and I also have the Inspirational Study Bible (NKJV). This study, as well as the rest in the series, is very well put together. What I especially love about this is that if you don't have your Bible with you, that's ok. The scripture portion is printed right there in the book. There are 2 columns of scripture for each portion of the study. One column is the NKJV (New King James Version) and the other is NCV (New Century Version). So, you have your choice to read between the 2 of those, or you can read both to see if one version emphasizes things differently. Its a very good idea. There is a question before you begin the lesson to make you ponder something that is related to the lesson which will be presented. Then, you read the portion, then answer questions. The back of the book has answers, or suggested answers, to some of the questions asked. This can be used for personal study, or can be used for group study. I highly recommend this book, and encourage you to get the others in the series as well. | | Write your own review about Life Lessons: Book of Ruth & Esther