Audio CD-KJV Special Edition Bible (60 CD/1 DVD/1
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$ 82.99
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5917650 |
OverviewA word-for-word recording of the popular King James Version of the Bible on 60 audio CDs, PLUS the complete Bible on 2 MP3 CDs so you can have the Bible on your MP3 player with you everywhere! Brilliant audio quality, indexed by chapter for easy reference, and with quality narration by Eric Martin. PLUS Bous Who Is Jesus? DVD hosted by Randy Weis, Ph.D., this dramatic presentation of the life and ministry of Jesus brings spiritual clarity to the questions of His life: Who is he?, Why did He come to earth?, What do we do with Him? PLUS bonus Bible in One Hour CD which is an amazing compilation of Scripture delivering a powerful summary of the entire Bible in just one hour. Chosen from the remarkable clear and esy to understnd International English translation, these passages illuminate the broad scope and wealth of the Bible. Amazing presentation - excellent for gift selections as well - it's like getting four gifts in one.
Record Label Casscom Media
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.8" Width: 6.7" Height: 2.5" Weight: 3.1 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
Publisher CASS
ISBN 162758000X EAN 9781627580007
Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 13, 2024 09:41.
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