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Item Description...
Product Description "The Bible to take with you---wherever your ministry takes you!" The KJV Minister's Bible is the perfect "on-the-go" Bible to equip pastors, counselors, pastoral caregivers, lay teachers---everyone in active ministry. Resources include the complete cross-referenced text along with many pages of ministry resources carefully tailored to the needs of ministers and congregations who prefer the classic beauty of the King James Version. The KJV Minister's Bible is targeted specifically to ordained as well as lay ministers * Sturdy sewn binding will give years of hard-wearing service * Slimmer size in beautiful genuine leather binding is easy to carry anywhere * Field-tested ministry helps meet the unique needs of pastors and other ministers * Step-by-step plan of salvation and quick-find scripture references to answer tough questions
Item Specifications...
Pages 1152
Dimensions: Length: 9.7" Width: 7.1" Height: 1.4" Weight: 2.35 lbs.
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
ISBN 156563649X EAN 9781565636491
Bible Binding: Genuine Leather Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 8.50 Version: KJV Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 3 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 05, 2024 02:55.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Still Needs Some Work Apr 15, 2005 |
I purchased the KJV Minister's Bible published by Hendrickson out of curiousity rather than need. I have been disappointed with the Bibles coming out of the American markets (but quite happy with my Cambridge Bibles) as the American press seems to be going the path of quantity rather than quality. Nelson, Zondervan, Foundation, Tyndale, and Crossway have not put out any quality Bibles in several years. So I wanted to see how Hendrickson would do. I was not happy.
For one, the leather is not great quality. It has the look and feel of a Thomas Nelson Bible. Not good. The pages are a step up from Nelson and others but not near the quality of Cambridge Bibles.
Secondly, the text is easy to read, in black letter in both the KJV and NIV (which are both pluses for me) but the helps are not helpful. Unless you are "follow it by the book" pastor (and I don't mean the Bible itself but the helps in the back) then you will want to do you own preparing for funerals, baptisms, marriages, etc. The helps are not helpful.
Finally, the plan of salvation in the back was not biblical despite being in the back of a minister's Bible. It promoted the sinner's prayer and decisional regeneration rather than disciple's baptism (Acts 2:38; 8:12-13, 36-38; 9:18; 10:48; 16:14-15, 30-34; 18:8; 19:5; 22:16). How sad that a Bible with notes to help pastors actually would hurt them. | | Write your own review about KJV Ministers Bible-Burgundy Genuine