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Item Number |
707981 |
Item Description...
Description Lt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it's his natural instinct. In the cooling embers of his marriage, it's another story. After a decade of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far apart that they are ready to move on without each other. Yet as they prepare to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's dad asks his son to try an experiment: The Love Dare. While hoping The Love Dare has nothing to do with his parents' newfound faith, Caleb commits to the challenge. But can he attempt to love his wife while avoiding God's love for him? Will he be able to demonstrate love over and over again to a person that's no longer receptive to his love? Or is this just another marriage destined to go up in smoke?
Outline A feel-good drama, Fireproof has a strong agenda: stay married, lead an honest life, and let your faith in a higher power help guide you. A still boyish-looking Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains) stars as Caleb Holt, a mercurial-tempered firefighter whose marriage is on the rocks. He clearly enjoys his status as a hero, but it comes at the expense of his marriage. His wife Catherine (Erin Bethea) is tired of the distance and wants him to make more of an effort at home, rather than surf porn on the Internet and hoard his earnings toward his dream fishing boat instead of helping out her disabled mother. Faced with impending divorce, Caleb's dad challenges him to follow the "40-day love dare," in which each task (cook her dinner, say nothing negative, etc.) is meant for him to better understand love and commitment and try and win his wife back. The third film by brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, Fireproof is the siblings' most polished feature. Cameron does a fine job of making Caleb real and believable, even when we're not always liking him. Though saddled at times with maudlin lines, Cameron adds emotion and range to his role. There is a not so subtle theme that the Holts--who at the beginning of the film are agnostic--needed religion to save their marriage. Clearly, Fireproof believes in its agenda and was made with the Christian audience in mind. Whether secular audiences will fall under its spell as well is debatable. But no one should walk away from the film offended. --Jae-Ha Kim
Stills from Fireproof (click for larger image)
Item Specifications...
Format AC-3 / Color / Dolby / Dubbed / DVD
Dimensions: Length: 7.5" Width: 5.3" Height: 0.6" Weight: 0.1 lbs.
Release Date Jan 1, 2024
ISBN 1435932404 EAN 9781435932401 UPC 043396274983
Availability 17 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 19, 2024 01:58.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Flick Dec 1, 2009 |
Great movie whether you (man or woman alike) are in a relationship or married. It can also help you understand how to get along with people in general. We consider this to be a 'B rated' movie (acting-wise), but watch it (with NO interruptions), and take the meaning to heart with an open mind and it will blow you away! It has brought tears to macho men and be prepared for the surprise ending. | |  | Erroneous "Men Bad...Women Good" Mantra Nov 27, 2009 |
Although the movie intends to save marriages, it likely has the opposite effect.
Boiled down, the message is that men are responsible for divorce while women are always victims. All the "bad" characters in the script are male, including a porno-addicted husband and a mate-poaching doctor.
No doubt millions of men are guilty as charged, but it is absurd to assume that women are always free of responsibility. It is probable that there are just as many women, if not more, responsible for unmerited divorce. In point of fact, wives file for divorce *twice* as often as husbands.
The "Christian" message that men are at forever at fault can have a severely damaging affect on marriages where failure is largely the result of female destructive behavior.
| |  | Fireproof Nov 17, 2009 |
Wao!!!! Tremenda película. Tiene una historia muy linda y puede ayudar a muchas parejas que podrían estar pasando por una situación similar y hasta podria ayudar a parejas a no cometer esos errores. | |  | not for everyone- but great for those it speaks to Nov 14, 2009 |
Not every movie has to speak to everyone. For instance, I can't stand Stanley Kubrick movies- I think he's an over rated hack. And just like that, some folks are not going to be predisposed to like this film. If you are predisposed to be an anti-christian bigot, this film will rub you the wrong way. If you aren't married and don't care for marriage, this film will pass you by as well.
Technical merits- yes, the reviews that say this would work better as a Lifetime movie are correct- although, I think this would fit better on the Hallmark channel. ;) Some of the special effects were a bit on the cheap side, but they weren't so bad as to distract from the movie. My biggest technical pet peeve was not riled- there were no booms in any of the frames- something I see more and more often in professional big budget Hollywood movies- so the budget here did put some constraints no the picture, but it is more in the sense of constraint, rather than resulting in an appearance of amateurism.
Acting merits- Kirk Cameron was great- the rest tried really hard and none of them stunk. Holding this movie to the Hallmark Channel standard, and you can say they all put in fine performances- none were oscar worthy, but that's not really where this movie is aiming. The yelling scene at the beginning was believable- I'm sort of baffled by the reviewers that didn't get that. Frustrated folks lash out- and some people are yellers. Such is life.
Plot and Story- The first twenty minutes of this movie are the hardest to get through. Most films get you to like people before they throw them through the wringer- this movie does it backwards. You won't like anyone in this movie for the first fifteen to twenty minutes. Why? Because this is a film about a marriage about to fall apart and when a marriage is that broken, no one in it is at their best. We are presented with two selfish, self centered people. (Yes, two, for those that cheered for the wife the whole way through the film!) It takes a while to warm up to them.
The role of Christianity in the movie- Christianity is a true Deus ex Machina in this film. But, for those that experienced salvific grace, that's exactly what it is. This movie was made by a Church, so should you really be surprised that Jesus gets a starring role? Isn't it more surprising that in a country as Christian as this one, that we don't see conversion experiences playing a larger role in more films than we do?
This movie will make you cry, without a doubt. And any stupid thing you did to your spouse in the last week? You're going to end up appologizing for it. But that's what this movie is for- not to entertain, but to help people build up stronger marriages. And in that, five stars is not enough. | |  | fireproof Nov 14, 2009 |
hi i cant write a review for this item, as i have not watched it yet | | Write your own review about Fireproof