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The purpose of The Original African Heritage Study Bible is to interpret the Bible as it relates specifically to persons of African descent and thereby to foster an appreciation of the multiculturalism inherent in the Bible.
After selling over a million copies, The Original African Heritage Study Bible went out of print when its publisher closed its doors. Judson Press is pleased to announce it has secured the rights to once again publish this best-selling Bible.
The Original African Heritage Study Bible offers many unique features which reveal the African/Edenic contribution to Judaism and Christianity, including:
Highlighted verses about Africa and Biblical characters of African descent
48 pages of reference to African/Edenic persons, places and events
Art reproductions taken from the Mafa tribe collection of Cameroon, Africa
Full-color maps showing where important African/Edenic events and places mentioned in the Bible occurred in the Ancient World
101 favorite Bible verses from people of the African Diaspora
Specially selected articles by recognized Biblical scholars, including Biblical Hermeneutics in Africentric Perspective from J. Deotis Roberts book Africentric Christianity
Words and music to famous slave songs
Readers will also appreciate the large print format, critical introductions to each book of the Bible, and the words of Christ printed in red.
Publishers Description
The Original African Heritage Study Bible offers a number of unique features which reveal the African/Edenic contribution to Judaism and Christianity.
Community Description
The Original African Heritage Study Bible
by Judson Press
Binding: Softcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Back Cover:
"The purpose of The Original African Heritage Study Bible is to interpret the Bible as it relates specifically to persons of African descent and thereby to foster an appreciation of the multiculturalism inherent in the Bible." ---from the Introduction
The Original African Heritage Study Bible offers a number of unique features which reveal the African/Edenic contribution to Judaism and Christianity, including:
* Highlighted verses about Africa and Biblical characters of African descent
* 48 pages of reference to African/Edenic persons, places and events
* Original art reproductions taken from the Mafa tribe collection of Cameroon, Africa
* Full-color maps showing where important African/Edenic events and places occurred in the Ancient World
* 101 favorite Bible verses from people of the African Diaspora
* Specially selected articles by outstanding national Bible scholars, including "Biblical Hermeneutics in Africentric Perspective" from J. Deotis Roberts' book Africentric Christianity
* Words and music to famous slave songs
Readers will also appreciate the large print format, critical introductions to each book of the Bible, and the words of Christ printed in red.
This is the Bible no African American Christian should be without!
Please Note, Community Descriptions and notes are submitted by our shoppers, and are not guaranteed for accuracy.
Pages 1893
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.25" Width: 6.48" Height: 1.59" Weight: 2.9 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
Publisher JUDSON PRESS #575
ISBN 0817015116 EAN 9780817015114
Bible Binding: Paper, Flush Cut Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 12.00 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 12 units. Availability accurate as of Nov 03, 2023 08:41.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | The African Heritage Bible is a blessing Feb 5, 2010 |
I am so happy a co-worker told me about this Bible. It has been difficult to find people who can teach about the brown skinned people (African) in the Bible. Or that civilation began in Africa (The Garden of Eden). I always knew the people written about in the Bible were brown skin people. But I like many have been brain washed with pictures that show them as white. It made me shout with joy to see a picture of Moses as a black man.
 | A Must Read for African American Believers Jan 7, 2010 |
I have learned so much and have not even gone through the entire Bible yet. The supplements and maps are very informative and impressive. I also appreciate the candor of the author because he compiles this Bible together based on facts and not personal bias. For years, we as African Americans have been deceived regarding our heritage and place in biblical history. Again, this is a must for all African American believers especially those in ministry. |
 | Great Study Bible Apr 8, 2009 |
This Bible is awesome for studying with children... And to top it off I received it in no time.. |
 | african hertiage bible Jun 5, 2008 |
this is the best one yet,I enjoy it,and told some friends about it,pictures help also,this is a winner |
 | The Original African Heritage Study Bible Apr 24, 2008 |
God is Awesome.... This Bible has actually opened my eyes to information not found in my 65 years of Bible study.... Every Family should own one of these.... I now have a different perspective of how God uses who He chooses in order to do His will and that no one race or ethnicity is any better than another.... Also, I can now show my children's Sunday School class how each race had an integral part in biblical history.... Thanks for the opportunity to review this magnificent historical account.....
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