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OverviewIdeal for pulpit use of for the vision-impaired, this readable edition features type that is twice as large as most standard Bibles. This is the largest print Bible available in today's marketplace. FEATURES Words of Christ in Red Giant-print study helps 52-week reading plan Giant-print concordance Full-color maps Ribbon marker 2016 pages Publishers DescriptionAn ideal selection for pulpit use or for the vision impaired, the "KJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible" includes 18-point type that's twice as large as most standard Bibles. Among the other features are a four-color presentation page section (Presented to; Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages; Occasions to Remember; Deaths), eight four-color maps, topical concordance, two-column text setting, and the words of Christ highlighted in red type.
Pages 2011
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.7" Width: 7.23" Height: 1.65" Weight: 3.55 lbs.
Binding Leather, Imitation
Release Date Dec 9, 2023
Publisher Broadman And Holman
ISBN 1558196366 EAN 9781558196360
Bible Binding: Imitation Leather Color: Navy Blue Point/Type Size: 18.00 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 7 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 10:50.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Value! Oct 30, 2008 |
This is the BEST of the Super Giant Print editions available, and best of all, it's the Authorized Version. Only perceived drawbacks are that the pages are a little flimsy, and it may be a bit heavier than you'd like to take to church with you. Other than that, the print is VERY easy to read if you have vision problems like I do. It's an excellent Bible for study, however, as great as it is, my preference over this edition is the Zondervan Giant Print edition with thumb index, because it's smaller and lighter. And even though the print in the Zondervan is a bit smaller, it's in bold type which is also very easy to read.
| |  | Great Bible! Oct 23, 2008 |
This bible is just what I was looking for, it is so easy to read so its no strain on my eyes, and I love the extras it has, such as the survey of the books in the bible and tips on reading it plus many more. Of course it is larger than the bible I already had but not so heavy that I can't hold it comfortably while reading, and now that I don't have to strain my eyes to focus on the words I can just relax and enjoy the beautifully written word of God the way it was intended. | |  | Not bonded leather as described Aug 26, 2008 |
This was the imitation leather bible, which can be purchased at Walmart or Kmart for $12.99. It was not the bonded leather which was described. | |  | King James Version indexed Super Giant Print Aug 5, 2008 |
I gave this Bible to our 95 years young friend for his Birthday. He wears glasses, but wan not able to read his bible that had regular print, but this Super Giant Print works GREAT for him. The bible is larger than most which makes it much easier for laying it on his lap while reading in his lift chair. We are very pleased with this Bible. | |  | Great Bible Feb 22, 2008 |
This is the most user friendly bible I have ever owned. I am ording one for my husband. I highly reomend this one. | | Write your own review about KJV Super Giant Print Reference-Blue Imitation Leather
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