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OverviewDescription: Contains over 95,000 center-column cross-references to enrich your reading. Its Smyth sewn binding adds durability for frequent use and travel. Leathertex is a durable and flexible material that looks and feels like leather. Features: Concordance, Maps, Full Column Cross References, Presentation Page, Family Record Page, Paragraph Format, Red Letter, Two Column Text Trim Size of Paper: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 x 7/8 Font Point Size: 9 Publishers DescriptionNew product Brown/Light Brown Leathertex. Beautifully heat-stamped.
Pages 1120
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.24" Width: 6.32" Height: 1.19" Weight: 1.65 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
ISBN 158135133X EAN 9781581351330
Bible Binding: Leathertex Color: Brown/Light Brown Point/Type Size: 9.00 Version: NAS95 Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 16 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 25, 2024 04:49.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Missing Pages Jul 11, 2008 |
I just received this Bible today, and I was very pleased with the cover, the print font and the center-column references. I hit a snag when I noticed that every other pair of pages were 'stuck' together by the silver edging, and that a few of the pages had not been cut through at the top to separate them. Then, as I was searching through to bookmark some of my favorite passages, I discovered four pages missing from Psalms. Obviously, not this site's fault, but the publisher/printer. Sending it back, hopefully a new one won't have these problems. This is a first for me, as everything else I've ordered from this site has been wonderful so far. | |  | Great travel Bible. May 15, 2008 |
This is a wonderful bible for those who need something lightweight and portable. The fact that it is lethertex and is a reference bible is an added bonus. | |  | Nice Bible, but ... Feb 12, 2008 |
I do not own this Bible, but I spent some time at the Christian book store comparing Bibles and unfortunately had to decline the purchase of this one. Nearly everything about it is top notch like the reviews say -- the cover, binding, layout, etc. However, I found the print to be difficult to read after several minutes and felt some eyestrain. It just seemed like a very light font, tightly packed, and slightly obscured by the print visible from the other side of the page. So before placing an order online I recommend you have a look at it in a bookstore first, especially if your near vision is not that great. | |  | Ultra thin Bible Jan 18, 2008 |
The only draw back is the format is in paragraph form instead of verse. Otherwise I like it. | |  | An Excellent Bible! Dec 15, 2007 |
If you are looking for an inexpensive but quality NASB, this is it. 1. The NASB (revision of ASV) is clearly more literal than ESV (revision of RSV). However, ESV is indeed more readable. The preference of translation lies in the user. I for one, am willing to sacrifice readability (style) over accuracy. So I believe, for my need, NASB is the best there is. 2. As for this particular Bible, I am pleased. It is "Smyth Sewn" -- that is pages are stitched and not glued to the spine like many Bibles produced today. This alone merits high mark. 3. This is NOT leather (bonded or genuine) even though this site describes it that way, but it is IMITATION leather called, "Leathertex" but it is high quality. The material is soft and flexible. Its durability falls in somewhere between genuine leather and hard cover. 4. It has basic Bible helps: (a) Center column cross-references (b) Color maps and (c) Basic Concordance. 5. HOWEVER, while the fonts are clear, they are not dark enough for me. The fonts are printed little light. But this is a minor issue.
Overall I love the Bible. So if you are looking for inexpensive NASB, you will not be disappointed with this one. | | Write your own review about NASB Ultrathin Reference Bible-Brown/Light Brown L-tex
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