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OverviewDescription: This top quality low cost Bible makes a perfect gift. It's printed on high quality white Bible paper making it a great value. Features: Concordance, Maps, Presentation Page, Verse Format, Black Letter, Two Column Text Trim Size of Paper: 5 1/4 x 8 x 7/8 Font Point Size: 8
Pages 896
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.34" Width: 5.48" Height: 0.89" Weight: 1.15 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Apr 5, 2024
ISBN 1885217714 EAN 9781885217714
Bible Binding: Imitation Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 8.00 Version: NAS95 Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 148 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 12, 2024 07:30.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Chambersberg, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Specific Types > Gift & Award Bibles [608 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Translations > New American Standard [174 similar products] |
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Biblical Bible Jun 21, 2008 |
One of the reasons that I bought this Bible, is that it LOOKS like a Bible. It's Black, it has gold edged pages, it says Bible and the version on the cover. Now that may not be important to everyone, but as there are so many Bibles these days that could fit in a shelf next to a novel and blend in I found these features very important. Its authoritative. Also, I believe that all of the words in the Bible are divinely inspired so a Bible having the words of Jesus in Red (this one doesn't) give less importance to the other words. The first few pages allows for a giver, and receivers name,and a date. I highly reccommend it. | |  | Excellent Translation! Apr 23, 2008 |
If you follow my reviews, you know that I am Anglo Catholic and that the 2 versions I use most are the "Good News" and the ORIGINAL "Revised Standard." I have respect for the "King James," the "New King James," the "Jerusalem," the "English Standard Version," and the "Holman Christian Standard." I do NOT like the NIV or the NRSV. Onto the subject at hand. The NASB is widely praised as the most literally accurate version. It does not contain the Apocrypha. But being that this is a Protestant Bible, we can't really hold that against it. The NASB is widely accepted in Protestant churches. For the most part, it is carefully literal. I consider it an interesting cross between the "Revised Standard" and the "New King James." My one slight complaint is that it is not quite as beautifully written as the "Revised Standard." But that said, the "New American Standard" is excellent. | |  | Biblia de las Americas Jul 19, 2007 |
Excelente Biblia, la mejor traduccion del original que hay leido jamas! Lo unico que le falta es que las palabras de Jesus sean en rojo. No tiene concordancia, pero es magnifica para los latinos! Comprendi mas al leer el Nuevo Testamento que lo que habia entendido en otras! | |  | Very Nice Bible Mar 6, 2007 |
Very nice Bible. It's held up very nicely to a lot of usage. A very good value for the money. | |  | Great Purchase Jan 28, 2007 |
The Bible that I purchesed is a great buy. The NASB is a great translation and is easy to understand. I recommend it to anyone who studies the Bible and really wants to learn. | | Write your own review about NASB Gift & Award Bible-Black Imitation Leather
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