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OverviewFeatures: Concordance, Maps, Book Introductions, Cross References in Text, Presentation Page, Family Record Page, Verse Format, Red Letter, Two Column Text, Dictionary
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.2" Width: 7.6" Height: 2" Weight: 3.75 lbs.
Binding Leather
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
ISBN 1581351267 EAN 9781581351262
Bible Binding: Genuine Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 14.00 Version: NAS95 Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 160 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 13, 2024 07:37.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | My 80 Year Old Mother Loves This! Jun 10, 2008 |
I recently purchased this Bible for my mother's 80th birthday gift. She is very happy with the quality and the giant print. I couldn't believe that this Bible was of such high quality for the very reasonable price. Thank you for keeping the cost within the means of so many people. | |  | Great pick Apr 13, 2008 |
This is a good quality product. The letters are large and easy to read. It has a good concordance and the maps are excellent. This Bible also includes an overview of each book, located between the concordance and the maps. Footnotes are minimal. I am well pleased with my purchase and enjoy using this Bible. | |  | NASB Giant Print Bible Jan 18, 2008 |
I absolutely love the large print and leather. I also like NAS version, but in the front of the Bible at Genesis it is pulling away from the rest of the bible slightly. I had already thrown the box and receipt away so it wasn't worth dealing with | |  | Wonderfully GIANT Print Dec 27, 2007 |
VERY LARGE PRINT - This NASB Giant Print Reference Bible is one of the few Bibles that truly has a very large typeface. Those with some sight impairment will be able to read this Bible's 14-pt type easily. *Large*-print Bibles use a smaller type, 9- to 12-pt type, depending on the publisher. And most of the other so-called *Giant*-print Bibles use a 10- or 12-pt type, which is still too small for someone who's vision-impaired. If you prefer an even larger type, you can get a 16-pt type KJV, NKJV, or NIV Giant Print Bible - like the KJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible or Nelson Classic Giant Print Center-column Reference Bible.
FAIRLY LITERAL TRANSLATION - A modern-day fairly literal translation, the NASB is reasonably easy to understand (compared to the KJV) and makes an *excellent* study Bible.
THE COVER - Since the cover of this Bible is bonded leather, it requires gentle handling, as it is not as durable as regular leather. However, if treated with respect, this Bible should last for many years. | |  | Absolutely love this Awesome Bible Jun 26, 2007 |
First, I have to say that this site packed this Bible so carefully that I don't think I ever received a book or Bible (and I love Bibles) that had been triple plastic wrapped like this one. Yes. The Bible itself was wrapped/sealed in plastic, then the box it came in was sealed in plastic, then this box was sealed to a cardboard sheet inside the shipping box it came in. Totally thrilled and delighted. I highly recommend this Bible for those who are looking for, what I consider one of the best Bible translations out there, and easy-to-read giant print, which makes for a lovely time reading God's Precious Word. The craftsmanship of the Bible is also very wonderful; I love it. A true treasure, and I am confident for many years of use. What an enjoyable experience buying this Bible from this site. | | Write your own review about NASB Giant Print Reference-Black Genuine Leather
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